Solanum nigrum L.

Solanum nigrum L.




Solanum schultesii Opiz.

Vernacular Names


Ranti, terong meranti, terong parachichit (Peninsular).


Black nightshade, common nightshade, garden nightshade.


Ranti (Javanese), leunca (Sundanese), bobose (Ternate).

Papua New Guinea

Takuta (Wapenamanda, West Sepik).


Konti (Filipino), anti (Bontok, Tagalog), kuti (Bikol).


Ma waeng nok (Southern), ya tom tok (Northern), kha om (Prachuap Khiri Khan).


C[af] n[us]t [as]o, gia c[aaf]u, lu lu d[uwj]c.


Herbe à calalou, morelle noire.

Geographical Distributions

Solanum nigrum is native to Europe and western Asia, introduced in North America, Africa, Asia and Australia; probably fairly widely distributed throughout the Malesian region.


Solanum nigrum is an annual or perennial, unarmed herb, up to 1 m tall and with glandular hairs.

The leaves are ovate, measuring 4-10 cm x 2-7 cm, simple, with entire to bluntly toothed margin, wedge-shaped base and obtuse at apex.

The inflorescence is an extra-axillary and short raceme with (3-)4-8(-12) flowers. The sepal is bell-shaped lobes are up to 1 mm long while the petal is star-shaped, measures 8-10 mm in diametre, white or rarely tinged with purple. The anthers are oblong, measure 2-3.5 mm long, with a smooth ovary, with style 5-6 mm long and capitate stigma.

The fruit is globular to ellipsoid, measures 6-8(-10) mm in diametre, 2-locular, dull or somewhat shiny black or purplish-black. The calyx is not enlarged and with appressed or scarcely reflexed lobes.

There are (15-)25-35(-45) seeds per fruit and measure 1.8-2.2 mm long.

Ecology / Cultivation

Solanum nigrum is common in open and disturbed places, in full sunshine or slight shade, also in light forests, up to 3100 m altitude.

Line Drawing / Photograph



1.       Plant Resources of South-East Asia No.12(1): Medicinal and poisonous plants 1.