Burtsev EM, Savkov VS, Shprakh VV, Burtsev ME
Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
Cavinton was used for 10 years in 967 patients with different cerebrovascular diseases. The highest effect was seen in patients with early forms and primarily chronic forms: vegetovascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia, initial manifestations of brain blood supply insufficiency, circulatory encephalopathy in the first and second stages. Improvement of the subjective status and a decrease of the intensity of vestibulocerebellar disorders were recorded by the end of the treatment in 75-85% of such patients. In ischemic brain stroke, regress of general cerebral and focal symptoms was more rapid and significant in the adequate reaction type of cerebral hemodynamics to cavinton administration (a rise of pulse blood content of the brain and a reduction of the vascular tone according to the REG data) and was less noticeable in the hypertonic and, in particular, in the hypotonic type. Cavinton should not be used in severe general cerebral hypertensive crises, as well as in elderly or senile patients with acute cardio-cerebral or cerebro-cardiac syndrome, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, marked disorders of heart rhythm.