Strychnos ignatii Bergius

Strychnos ignatii Bergius




Strychnos tieute Lesch., Strychnos ovalifolia Wallich ex G. Don, Strychnos beccarii Gilg.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Akar ipoh, belai hitam, ipoh akar besar (Peninsular).
English Saint Ignatius bean.
Indonesia Pokru (Sundanese), cetek (Ja­vanese), bina (Kalimantan).
Thailand Phayaa mue lek (Krabi).
Philip­pines Katbalonga (Tagalog), igasud (Bisaya), pepita-sa-katbalogan (Tagalog, Bisaya, Pampan­go/Kapampangan).

Lo[af]ng n[af]n.


Feves de Saint-Ignace.


Pepita de San Ignacio.

Geographical Distributions

Strychnos ignatii is found in Indo-China, Hainan, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Java, Borneo and the south­ eastern Philippines (Biliran, Samar, Leyte and Mindanao).


Strychnos ignatii is a liana which can grow up to 35 m long and with stem measuring up to 5 cm in diametre. The bark is densely and finely covered with lenticels, brown or grey and with simple tendrils.

The leaves are ovate or elliptical to lance-shaped, measuring 4-18(-22) cm x 2-9(-12) cm and with petiole 5-10 mm long.

The inflores­cence is axillary and 10-20-flowered. The petal is 7-17 mm long where the tube is about 3 times longer than the lobes and with some long woolly hairs inside in the lower half.

The fruit is nearly spherical, measuring 4-12 cm in diametre and about 10-seed­ed. The seeds are lenticular to ellipsoid or orbicular, measuring 20-35 mm x 16-20 mm  x 8-9 mm, silky to felty, or irreg­ularly shaped like castor beans, which are about 20 mm x 10 mm x 10 mm and rough but smooth.

Ecology / Cultivation

Strychnos ignatii is usually found in dense forests, often in dipterocarp forests in sandy soil or in mixed rainforests, some­times on river banks, up to 1500 m altitude.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12(1): Medicinal and poisonous plants 1.