3.6.40 Mixtures of Odoriferous Substances And Mixtures Used In The Food Or Drink Industries- Price Values and Quantity by year from 2000 to 2007 Overview
Scientific name: | N/A |
Common name: | Odiferus substances |
Plant part used: | Fragrant chemical compounds mixed together |
HS Code: | 330210000 |
SITC Code: | 551410000 | Analysis
Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures usually used in the food and drink industries were traded in fairly large amounts. Since ingredients for food and drinks are consumed regularly, markets for odoriferous substances.are competitive. Malaysia’s export quantities of these substances were irregular during the observed period and its profile rose and fell according to the market forces of supply and demand. The revenues obtained from the export indicated similar pattern to that of the amount exported. The costs per kg of the product did not vary significantly throughout the period except for the year 2004 when it was at its lowest. The profile for the year was not consistent with the dip in value.
During the period, the unit cost differences for the product between export and import values were all in the negative implying that most of the product were consumed locally.
Table 141: Summary of value and volume export
Figure 191: Malaysia’s export 2000 – 2007 for Mixtures Of Odoriferous Substances And Mixtures Used In The Food Or Drink Industries
Figure 192: Exported Mixtures of Odoriferous Substances and Mixtures Used in the Food or Drink Industries price trend 2000 – 2007
Year | Export(RM) | Import(RM) | Diff(RM) |
2000 | 16.29 | 32.39 | -16.10 |
2001 | 19.64 | 44.61 | -24.97 |
2002 | 16.46 | 40.91 | -24.45 |
2003 | 15.43 | 30.59 | -15.16 |
2004 | 8.21 | 45.67 | -37.46 |
2005 | 16.93 | 47.29 | -30.36 |
2006 | 20.63 | 40.30 | -19.67 |
2007 | 24.48 | 38.65 | -14.17 |
Table 142: Export and Import Unit Cost Differences of Herbal Products : 2000 -2007