Durio graveolens Becc.

Durio graveolens Becc.





Vernacular Names

Malaysia Durian merah (Peninsular), durian burong (Malay, Sarawak),durian anggang, ta-bela (Dayak, Borneo), durian isa (Iban, Borneo).
Indonesia Durian rimba, durian burung, tinambela (Sumatra), durian anggang, ta-bela (Dayak, Borneo), durian isa (Iban, Borneo).
Thailand Thurian-rakka (Peninsular).

Geographical Distributions

Durio graveolens is distributed around peninsular Thailand, peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan); also cultivated in Sabah and Brunei.



D. graveolens is a large tree that can reach up to measure 50 m tall, with straight, cylindrical bole, branchless for up to measure 25 m and up to measure 100 cm in diametre and with steep buttresses that up to 3 m high. The bark surface is smooth, finely cracked or flaky, reddish-brown or greyish-mauve in colour.

The leaves are elliptical to oblong in shape, measuring 10-26 cm x 4-10 cm and densely copper-brown scaly below.

The flowers are in short cymes on branches. The white petals are measure about 25-35 mm long. The stamens are in 5 bundles and opened by a slit.

The fruit is spherical, up to measure 15 cm in diametre where the outside is orange-yellow in colour  with sharp pyramidal spines.


Ecology / Cultivation

D. graveolens occurs in lowland forest up to 1000 m altitude, in Sarawak on clay-rich soils in mixed dipterocarp forest and on shale ridges.


Line Drawing / Photograph




    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 5 (2): Timber trees: Minor commercial timbers.

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