Adenia cordifolia (Blume) Engl

Scientific Name

Adenia cordifolia (Blume) Engl.


Adenia quadrifida Merr., Adenia vespertilio Hallier f., Modecca cordifolia Blume, Adenia obtusa (Blume) Engl., Adenia populifolia auct. non (Blume) Engl [1]

Vernacular Name

Malaysia Akar kail, akar kelipunang [2]
Indonesia Areuy babaling-bingan, areuy calingcing (Sundanese); laying-layang (Kedayan) [2]

Geographical Distributions

Adenia cordifolia distribution is throughout Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Western Java, Borneo and the Philippines (Palawan). It occurs both in shrub and forest vegetation, also in peat swamp forest, up to 1200 m altitude [2].

Botanical Description

This is a liana species from family Passifloraceae, which can reach up to 20 m long [2].

The leaves are entire, rounded to deeply heart-shaped but not peltate at the base. The leaf is with 2 glands on deeply hollowed auricles at the apex of the petiole while the auricles are separated from the leaf blade [2].

The flowers are tubiform-urn-shaped and connate sepals with erect lobes while the corona is absent [2].

The fruit is ellipsoid-oblong to spindle-shaped [2].


No documentation

Chemical Constituent

No documentation

Plant Part Used

No documentation

Traditional Use

No documentation

Preclinical Data

No documentation

Clinical Data

No documentation

Poisonous Management

No documentation.

Line Drawing

Figure 1: The line drawing of A. cordifolia. [2]


  1. The Plant List. Ver1.1. Adenia cordifolia (Blume) Engl. [updated 2012 April 18; cited 2014 July 14]. c2013. Available from:
  2. Aguilar NO. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 12(3). Medicinal and poisonous plants 3. Netherlands: Backhuys Publishers; 2003.
in this scope
Malaysian Herbal Monograph​
Medicinal Herbs & Plants Monographs​
Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs (Professional Data)
Herbal Medicines Compendium (HMC) - U.S​