Scientific Name
Croton argyratus Blume
Croton avellaneus Croizat, Croton bicolor Roxb. [Illegitimate], Croton budopensis Gagnep., Croton maieuticus Gagnep., Croton pilargyros Croizat, Croton tawaoensis Croizat, Croton zollingeri Miq., Oxydectes argyrata (Blume) Kuntze, Oxydectes bicolor (Roxb.) Kuntze [1]
Vernacular Name
Malaysia | Cheret budak, chenderai, semengkeh (Peninsular) [2]; ceret budak, ubat semelit bayor, cenderai, cenerai, cenderai gajah, semengkeh, mengkeh, semangsok, semangkok, temesar, kemesat, kemesak, melokan, mengkucing, balik angin bukit, senancung, hamba raja, pelah kecil, akar tahi budak [3][4] |
English | Silver croton [2][4] |
India | Mintunah [4] |
Indonesia | Parengpeng (Sundanese); tapen kebo (Javanese); leprak (Madurese) [2]; prakosa, tapen, tapen kebo, walik angin, walik lar, ki jahe, chalik angin, kayu bulan, setima [3] |
Thailand | Pow luang, plow [3], mai lot, plao, plao ngoen [4] |
Brunei | Kemarik [2][4] |
Philippines | Tubang puti (Pilipino) [2][4] |
Geographical Distributions
Croton argyratus is distributed from India (Andaman Islands), and up to peninsular Thailand. peninsular Malaysiaand throughout Malesia Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, West-, Central-, South- and East-Kalimantan), Philippines, Celebes, Moluccas. (except for New Guinea). [2]
Botanical Description
C. argyratus comes from the family of Euphorbiaceae. It is a tree that can reach up to measure about 20(-27) m tall. [2]
The leaves are ovate in shape, measuring about 8-26 cm x 6-11 cm and subcordate base with 2 small and auricled lobes. The apex is acuminate and entire margin. The lower surface is densely covered with bronze scale-like hairs. The petiole is measure about 2.5-18 cm long. [2]
The inflorescence is densely scaly. The outside sepal is densely scaly. [2]
The flowers are staminate. The petals are obovate in shape, 2.5-3 mm long, hairy, with 11 stamens where the filaments are with long hairs or hairless. The disk flowers are with stellate hairs while the ovary is densely scaly. [2]
The 6-grooved fruit is spherical in shape and it is measure 1.5-2 cm in diametre. [2]
C. argyratus is found in a variety of vegetation types and soils in subhumid climates, up to 1000(-1500) m altitude. This plant also can grows on hillsides and ridges with clay to sandy soils. It flowers throughout the year, and the limits of the species are still not fully understood. [2]
Chemical Constituent
No documentation
Plant Part Used
No documentation
Traditional Use
No documentation
Preclinical Data
No documentation
Clinical Data
No documentation
Poisonous Management
No documentation
Line Drawing
- The Plant List. Ver1.1. Croton argyratus Blume [homepage on the Internet]. c2013 [updated 2012 Mar 23; cited 2015 May 06]. Available from:
- van Welzen PC, Esser HJ. Croton argyratus Blume In: van Valkenburg JLCH, Bunyapraphatsara N, editors. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12(2): Medicinal and poisonous plants 2. Leiden, Netherlands: Backhuys Publisher; 2001. p. 201.
- Herbal Medicine Research Centre, Institute Medical Research. Compendium of medicinal plants used in Malaysia. Volume 1. Kuala Lumpur: HMRC IMR; 2002. p. 224.
- Quattrocchi U. CRC World dictionary of medicinal and poisonous plants: Common names, scientific names, eponyms, synonyms, and etymology (5 Volume set). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press; 2012. p. 1191.