Applications for registration

A total of 31,787 applications were received in 2005, a decrease of 6.8% compared to 2004 (34,099). From this total, 2.2% were prescription products, 2% were OTC products, 5.7% were traditional medicine and the remaining 90% were cosmetics.  In 2005, there was a decrease in the applications for traditional medicine, OTC and cosmetic products while the applications for prescription products increased.  However, the number of total applications received is still more than the total received in 2003. The numbers of applications received from 2001 to 2005 can be seen in Table 21.
Year Presription productsNon-presciption productsTraditional medicineCosmeticsYearly Total

Table 21: Applications received (Year 2001-2005)

Source:  Annual report 2005, National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau, MOH

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