ASEAN Traditional Medicine

Offers information on ASEAN Traditional Medicine.

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Articles In ASEAN Traditional Medicine Scope

Introduction on ASEAN Traditional Medicine

Showcase of the background of ASEAN Task Force, its’ strategic and operational frameworks on Health Development across ASEAN region.

Proceedings and Specific Reports

Compilation of proceedings for the conferences on Traditional Medicine in ASEAN Countries and showcase of special initiatives undertaken by the ASEAN member countries.

Country Scenario

Description of the medical systems including Traditional Medicines of each ASEAN member countries.

Focal Points and Experts

Compilation of curricula vitae of all focal points and experts for ASEAN Task Force on Traditional Medicines.

Policy and Regulations

Description of related policies, law, regulations and guidelines pertaining to Traditional Medicine in ASEAN region.

Institutes and TM Facilities

Description of research institutes, training institutions and hospitals that provide Traditional Medicine services and related activities.


Compilation of publications related to Traditional Medicines that are produced and published by the respective ASEAN member countries.

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