Cambodia National Forest Sector Policy

  • General Information

Statement of the Royal Government on National Forest Sector Policy

The Royal Government of Cambodia is endeavoring to implement a coordinated set of laws, programs, action plans, and institutional arrangements regarding forest resources which are directed toward enabling the achievement of national goals of environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction, socio-economic development, and good governance, as described in the Policy Statement of the Royal Government of Cambodia on Forestry, the Socio-economic Development Plan, the Poverty Reduction Strategy, and the Governance Action Plan. This set of national goals directed to the sustainable development of the Nation provides the overall development framework for the conservation and management of the country’s forest resources.

The Royal Government of Cambodia considers the ecologically, socially and economically viable conservation and management of forest resources as a major pillar of public welfare directly contributing to environmental protection, poverty reduction and socio-economic development.

The Royal Government of Cambodia commits itself to the conservation and management of the country’s unique forest resources in a sustainable manner now and for future generations. The results and the follow up processes of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 are taken into account to consider the concept of sustainable forest management within the framework of the sustainable development of Cambodia.

The Royal Government of Cambodia acknowledges the multiple perceptions, interests and objectives of the numerous forest interest groups of the country’s society, in the region of the Mekong Basin and at the global level regarding the conservation and sustainable management of forest resources.

The objectives of these initiatives within the set of national goals regarding forest resources are:

  1. The conservation and the sustainable management of the country’s forest resources shall provide a maximum contribution to the sustainable socio-economic development of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
  2. The remaining forest resources of the country shall be considered as Permanent Forest Estate and managed by exclusively promoting conservation and sustainable forest management initiatives that directly contribute to the rehabilitation and conservation of a maximum stock of forested land and forest resources.
  3. Within the context of conservation and sustainable forest management initiatives, a maximum involvement of the private sector and participation of the local population shall be achieved in order to ensure food security, poverty reduction and socio-economic development.
  4. A wide range of coordinated multi-stakeholder processes shall be implemented to enable the harmonization of the different perceptions, interests and objectives of the various forest interest groups at all levels.
  5. To continue to support forestation of arable land and to protect those trees for the development of forest resources.

The commitment to accomplish the national forest goals

For the achievement of the national goals of environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction, economic development, and good governance, the Government will endeavor to accomplish the following tasks:

1. Forest Resource Conservation:

  • To reclassify and to dedicate the major part of remaining natural forest stands to their ecosystems protection and biodiversity conservation functions.
  • To promote conservation and protection strategies such as protected forests, watershed management, genetic and wildlife resources conservation, eco-tourism, and special management areas with a maximum participation of the local population.
  • To implement the strict application of the Code of Practice as regulatory framework for the sustainable management of forest resources and forest concessions.
  • To conduct extension, education and public awareness campaigns at all levels of the Cambodian society.

2. Good Governance:

  • To implement capacity building, institutional strengthening and research programs at all levels.
  • To conduct education, training and public awareness campaigns, with particular regard to the participation of local populations within conservation and sustainable forest management plans.
  • To establish a forest administration in which necessary steps of devolution of decision-making power can take place and in which functional procedures for multi-institutional collaborations are grounded.
  • To encourage, implement and coordinate multi-stakeholder processes that enable the harmonization of the different perceptions, interests and objectives of the various forest interest groups at local, regional and international levels.
  • To promote transparent information for the forest sector.

3. Socio-Economic Development:

  • To promote the high socio-economic value of forest ecosystems protection and biodiversity conservation functions of natural forest resources.
  • To promote the substitution of timber supply from natural forest stands by timber plantations through encouraging private investment and public participation.
  • To optimize the use, processing and marketing system for forest products especially plantation forest products to support domestic demand, and export markets.

4. Poverty Reduction:

  • To recognize legally and protect the traditional rights of local populations to use forest resources under the framework of food security and poverty reduction considerations.
  • To optimize the benefits to local populations from the use and management of forest resources through the implementation of forestry and wildlife conservation concept based on the participation of local populations.

In addition to the set of national goals directed to the development framework for the conservation and sustainable management of forest resources the Royal Government of Cambodia acknowledges international issues, processes and commitments occurring as a result of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992  and its follow-up processes relevant to the country’s forest resources. The Royal Government of Cambodia envisions that a long term National Forest Programme (NFP) will be implemented consistent with the framework of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests/Intergovernmental Forum on Forests promoted by the International Arrangement on Forests with the United Nations Forum on Forests and the Collaborative Partnership on Forests.

  • Contact Details

Forestry Administration
# 40, Preah Norodom Blvd, Phsar Kandal 2,
Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Fax/Phone : 855 23 212 201


Statement of the Royal Government on National Forest Sector Policy, July 2002. Last accessed on 23 October 2012 at

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