Cambodia’s Health Strategy Plan


  • General Information

Health Strategic Plan 2003-2007 (HSP1) was launched in August 2002 and presided over by Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of The Royal Government of Cambodia. Health officials at all levels of the health system together with other relevant national, international stakeholders and community have implemented the plan in a responsible manner toward achieving the Cambodian health related Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

The Cambodian Demographic and Health Survey 2005 indicates that Cambodia has made considerable progress toward successfully accomplishing the MDG 4 (reduce child mortality) and MDG 6 (Combat main communicable diseases of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria). With regard to MDG 5 (Improve maternal health), maternal mortality remains high and continues to pose a great challenge. This requires considerable investment in term of resources, and, at the same time, strengthening of interventions, further institutional development and capacity building, as well as enhancing health system functioning, including effective coordination and multi-sectoral collaboration.

The Second Health Sector Strategic Plan 20098-2015 (HSP2) is based on a robust platform of experiences gained from both strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of the HSP1. It aims to address health needs of the population during the eight coming years by using the opportunity offered by the Royal Government of Cambodia to maximum extent possible, as the improvement in health status of all Cambodians is recognized by the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) as a priority for investing national resources in the social sector. Two crucial opportunities, which will shape core roles and functions of the health system to be more responsive and accountable to health needs of the population, are the implementation of the RGC Decentralization and Deconcentration process, as well the RGC Policy on Service Delivery. The approach to the health strategy 2008-2015 has taken these contextual factors into account.

HSP2 has clearly defined the policy agenda consisting of 15 elements that need to beimplemented by health institutions at all levels in order to achieve three main goals of the plan: reduce newborn, child and maternal morbidity and mortality with increased reproductive health, reduce morbidity and mortality of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis, and other communicable diseases, and reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases and other health problems.

Moving towards accomplishing these goals, the health strategy has been developed and focuses on five strategic areas: health service delivery, health care financing, human resource for health, health information system, and health system governance in order to direct interventions for the entire health sector in line with the “Rectangular Strategy” and the National Strategic Development Plan of the RGC.

Policy Direction

1. Vision
A long term broader vision of the Ministry of Health is “to enhance sustainable development of the health sector for better health and well-being of all Cambodian, especially of the poor, women and children, thereby contributing to poverty alleviation and socio-economic development.”

2. Mission
To provide stewardship for the entire health sector and to ensure supportive environment for increased demand and equitable access to quality health services in order that all the peoples of Cambodia are able to achieve the highest level of health and well-being.

3. Values and Working Principles
A value-based commitment of the Ministry of Health is Equity and the Right to Health for all Cambodians.

•Working Principles
Increased efficiency, accountability, quality and equity throughout the health system will be achieved only through application of morality, strong beliefs and commitment to common goals by all who are working in health care. Therefore, the day-to-day activities of health managers and staff in all areas throughout the organizations at all levels should be guided by five principles:

  1. Social health protection, especially for the poor and vulnerable groups
  2. Client focused approach to health service delivery
  3. Integrated approach to high quality health service delivery and public health interventions
  4. Human resources management as the cornerstone for the health system
  5. Good governance and accountability

4. Policy Directions 2008-2015

  1. Make services more responsive and closer to the public through implementation of a decentralized service delivery function and a management function guided by the national “Policy on Service Delivery” and the policy on “Decentralization and Deconcentration ”.
  2. Strengthen sector-wide governance through implementation of sector wide approach, focusing on increased national ownership and accountability to improved health outcomes, harmonization and alignment, greater coordination and effective partnerships among all stakeholders.
  3. Scale up access to and coverage of health services, especially comprehensive reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health services both demand and supply side through mechanisms such as institutionalization and expansion of contracting through Special Operating Agencies, exemptions for the poor, health equity funds, and health insurance.
  4. Implement pro-poor health financing systems, including exemptions for the poor and expansion of health equity funds, in combination with other forms of social assistance mechanisms.
  5. Reinforce health legislation, professional ethics and code of conduct, and strengthen regulatory mechanisms, including for the production and distribution of pharmaceuticals, drug quality control, cosmetics, food safety and hygiene, to protect providers and consumers’ rights and their health.
  6. Improve quality in service delivery and management through establishment of and compliance with the national protocols, clinical practice guidelines and quality standards, in particular establishment of accreditation systems.
  7. Increase competency and skills of health workforce to deal with increased demand for accountability and high quality care, including through strengthening allied technical skills and advanced technology through increased quality practice of training, career development, right incentives, and good working environment.
  8. Strengthen and invest in health information system and health research for evidence-based policy-making, planning, monitoring performance and evaluation.
  9. Increase investment in physical infrastructures and medical care equipment and advanced technology, as well as in improvement of non-medical support services including management, maintenance, blood safety, and supply systems for drugs and commodities.
  10. Promote quality of life and healthy lifestyles of the population by raising health awareness and creating supportive environments, including through strengthening institutional structures, financial and human resources, and IEC materials for health promotion, behaviour change communication and appropriate health-seeking practices.
  11. Prevent and control communicable and selected chronic and non-communicable diseases, and strengthen disease surveillance systems for effective response to emerging and remerging diseases.
  12. Strengthen public health interventions to deal with cross-cutting challenges, especially gender, health of minorities, hygiene and sanitation, school health, environmental health risks, substance abuse/mental health, injury, occupational health, disaster, through timely response, effective collaboration and coordination with other sectors.
  13. Promote effective public and private partnerships in service provision based on policy, regulation, legislations and technical standards.
  14. Encourage community engagement in health service delivery activities, management of health facilities and continuous quality improvement.
  15. Systematically strengthen institutions at all levels of the health system to implement policy agenda listed under the previous 14 elements.
  • Contact Details

Ministry of Health
No. 151-153 Kampuchea Krom Blvd., Phnom Penh
Telephone: 023 722873 / 880261 / 881405 / 881409
Fax: 023 426841 / 722873 / 880261 / 366186


Health Strategic Plan 2008-2015, Ministry of Health April 2008. Last Accessed on 16 October 2012 at

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