Aeginetia indica L.

Aeginetia indica L.




Aeginetia pedunculata auct. non (Roxb.) Wallich.

Vernacular Names

Indonesia Rajatawa (Javanese).
Philippines Dapong-tubo (Tagalog), sua-ko-ti-uak (Iloko), lapo (Ibanag).
Thail So-suai (Karen, Mae Hong Son), dok din daeng (Trat), paak cha khe(northeastern).
Vietnam l[eej] du[uw][ow]ng, tai d[aas]t.

Geographical Distributions

Aeginetia indica occurs throughout tropical and subtropical Asia, from India and Sri Lanka to China and Japan, and throughout Southeast Asia, but its distribution is poorly known. In Malaysia, it is recorded from Java and the Philippines; possibly also in Peninsular Malaysia and New Guinea.


This is a slightly fleshy parasitic herb, somewhat reddish, and can reach up to 40 cm tall. The stem is subterranean or scarcely emerges above the ground with a few scale-like leaves. Flowers are produced on long pedicels up to 30 cm long from the axils of scales. They are bisexual and zygomorphic. The spathe-like sepal of 2-3 cm long is closely divided at the base. The petals are gamopetalous, 3-5 cm long, with elongated and curved tube. The limb is obscurely 2-lipped which has 5 subequallobes and pinkish-purple. There are 4 stamens inserted at the petal tube. It has a superior, 1-celled ovary with slender style and large peltate stigma. The fruit is an ovoid to spherical capsule and many-seeded. The seeds are very small, brownish and germinate slowly after distinct dormancy. (1)

Ecology / Cultivation

Aeginetia indica is parasitic on grasses and occurs mainly in grassland, but sometimes also in forest. Aeginetia indica can be a destructive parasite of rice, and sometimes on other crops as well.

Line Drawing / Photograph




  1. View Abstract: R.H.M.J. Lemmens and N. Bunyapraphatsara (Editors). Plant Resources of South-East Asia No.12(3): Medicinal and poisonous plants 3. 2003.

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