Aerva lanata (L.) A.L. Juss. ex Schultes

Aerva lanata (L.) A.L. Juss. ex Schultes




Achyranthes lanata L., Illecebrum lanatum (L.) L., Achyranthes villosa Forssk.

Vernacular Names



Katumpangan uler, rumput upas-upasan.


Tabang­ahas, apugapugan, pamaynap (Tagalog), karlatan (Iloko).


Mao v[ix] l[oo]ng.

Geographical Distributions

Aerva lanata is found in Africa, Madagascar, the Sey­chelles and other islands in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia from Arabia to India, Sri Lanka, In­do-China and Malaysia (Sumatra, Bangka, Java, the Philippines, Timor, the Aru Islands and south­ern and south-eastern New Guinea).


Aerva lanata is a perennial, erect herb that can reach up to 110 cm tall. The main branches and the upper part of the stem are often unbranched for a considerable length. The internodes are usu­ally shorter than 2 cm.

The leaves are arranged alternate, ovate-el­liptical to obovate and measuring 0.5-5 cm x 0.3-3 cm. The spikes are up to 2.5 cm long. The tepals are 1-1.5 mm long and with 2 spreading stigmas.

The fruiting spike easily breaks up.

Ecology / Cultivation

Aerva lanata is lo­cally common along roadsides, in abandoned fields and waste places, and up to 100 m altitude in Java.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12(1): Medicinal and poisonous plants 1.

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