Archidendron jiringa (Jack) Nielsen

Archidendron jiringa (Jack) Nielsen




Pithecellobium lobatum Benth., P. jiringa (Jack) Prain, Zygia jiringa (Jack) Kosterm.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Jiring.
Indonesia Jengkol, jering, jingkol, jringkol.
Burma Tangyin, tanyeng-pen.
Thailand Niang (Peninsular), niang-nok (Peninsular), chaniang (Eastern).

Geographical Distributions

Archidendron jiringa is of Southeast Asian origin and occurs wild and cultivated in Malaysia, Indonesia (Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan), Brunei, Thailand, Burma and Bangladesh.


A. jiringa is a tree that can reach measuring up to 20 m tall, with grey smooth bark, white wood, terete and with smooth branchlets.

The leaves are 2-pinnate and measures up to 25 cm long. The petiole is measures 2-6 cm long. The leaflets are 2-3 pairs per pinna, ovate-elliptical to oblong, measuring 8-15 cm x 4-5 cm, opposite, chartaceous, hairless and dark violet-red when young.

The inflorescence is an axillary, paniculate and measures up to 20 cm long. The flowers are sessile, 4-7 together in a pseudo-umbel on a short peduncle, 5-merous and bisexual. The sepal is a cup-shaped. The petal is tubular, measuring 4-5 mm long, with 5-lobed and white. The stamens are numerous where at the base they are united into a tube and with free filament parts that are about 5 mm long.

The fruit is a legume, compressed, falcate or twisted in a wide spiral, more or less deeply lobed along the ventral suture between the seeds, measures 20-25 cm x 3-4 cm, woody, greyish, hairless and dehiscent along the ventral suture.

The seeds are orbicular compressed, measuring about 35 mm x 10 mm, yellow-green testa when young and turn dark brown. The germination is hypogeal and the first five leaves are scale-shaped.

Ecology / Cultivation

A. jiringa occurs in primary and secondary rain forest and in evergreen forest. Trees are often spared when the forest is cut down. It prefers a pervious soil and high rainfall. It is recorded from sandy soil, lateritic soil, reddish sandy clay, flat land and low undulating hills, from sea-level up to 1000(-1600) m altitude.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 8: Vegetables.

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