Aristolochia tagala

Aristolochia tagala




Aristolochia roxburghiana Klotzsch, Aristolochia megalophylla K. Schumann, Aristolochiamindanaensis Warb.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Akar ketola hutan, akar petola hutan (Peninsular).
English Birthwort, Dutchman’s pipe.
Indonesia Kalayar (Sundanese), puyan (Javanese), kunit (Sulawesi).
Philippines Timbangan (Tagalog), goan-goan (Bisaya), nagerus (Iloko).
Thailand Krachao pheemot, krachao mot (Central).
Vietnam Ph[of]ng k[yr], d[aa]y kh[oos] r[as]ch.
French Aristoloche.

Geographical Distributions

This plant is distributed from India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, through Burma (Myanmar), Indo-China (Cambodia, Vietnam), China and Thailand, to the whole of Malesia, the Solomon Islands and Australia (Queensland).


This is a climber that can reach up to 20 m long. The branches are slightly furrowed with a diametre up to 5 mm.

The 6-20(-27) cm x 4-10(-16) cm leaves are usually egg-shaped to egg-shaped-oblong. They are heart-shaped at the base with rounded auricles. It is sparsely short-haired to sub-hairless underneath with 2 pairs of basal veins. There are 3-5 pairs of secondary veins and loosely reticulate or crossbar-like tertiary veins.

The flowers are in raceme-like or resembling an indeterminate branches raceme-like inflorescence, 1-lipped whole floral leaves, with faint venation that is either pale yellowish or greenish to purplish or dark reddish-brown.

The fruit is nearly globular and slightly pear-shaped or oblong that up to 4 cm long.

The seeds are winged.

Ecology / Cultivation

A. tagala occurs in forest and thickets, usually up to 800 m altitude, but in Thailand up to 1050 m and in New Guinea up to 1350 m.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No.12(1): Medicinal and poisonous plants 1.

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