Bidens pilosa

Bidens pilosa




Bidens sundaica Blume, Bidens leucorrhiza (Lour.) DC., Bidens pitoga L. var. minor (Blume) Sherff.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Kancing baju, pall-pall pasir, keroten.
English Black jack.
Indonesia Ajeran, hareuga (Sundanese), jaringan, ketul (Javanese).
Papua New Guinea Ivu na mag (Gunantuna, New Britain), rakot (Kurtatchi, Bougainville).
Philippines Dadayem (lbanag), burburtak (Ilocano), pisau-pisau (Bisaya).
Thailand Puen noksai. (northern), kee nok sai, yaa koncham khaao (central).
Vietnam D[ow]n bu[oos]t, t[uwr] t[oo] hoang, q[ur]y tr[aa]m th[ar]o.
French Sornet.

Geographical Distributions

B. pilosa originates from tropical America but is now distributed and naturalised as a weed in most tropical and subtropical regions of the world, even sometimes extending into some temperate areas. In South-East Asia it is common in many places, except in Kalimantan and the Moluccas.


This is an annual and erect herb that is up to 1(-2) m tall. Its stem is 4-angled, hairless or sparsely hairy. The leaves are arranged opposite, pinnately 3-5-lobed and the lower and/or upper leaves are occasionally simple, up to 15(-20) cm long. They are hairless or sparsely hairy on both surfaces. The margin is usually serrate or crenate-serrate while the segments are egg-shaped to lance-shaped. The first apex terminal with a stalk is the largest. The 5-12 mm flower head is solitary or in lax paniculate cymes. The cyme usually radiates. The outer ring of flower stalk consists of 7-10 petals size 3-4 mm x 0.5-0.8 mm and they are spoon-shaped, abruptly bent during pollination. The inner petals are egg-shaped-lance-shaped with ray flowers absent or 4-8 but sterile. The petal is 7-15 mm long, white to yellow or pinkish while the disk flowers are 3.5-5 mm long. The fruit is linear with 4-6 ribbed. The fruit size is between 4-13 mm long with 2-3(-5) 2-4 mm long retrorsely barbed bristles. (1)

Ecology / Cultivation

B. pilosa is a very common weed of sunny, often disturbed places like roadsides, fields, thickets and along water-courses, up to 2500 m altitude.

Line Drawing / Photograph


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  1. View Abstract: Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 12(1). 1998, .

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