Capparis micracantha DC.

Capparis micracantha DC.




C. odorata Blanco, C. myrioneura Hallier f.


Vernacular Names

Malaysia Kaju tuju.
Indonesia Balung, kledung (Javanese), sanek (Madurese).
Philippines Salimbagat (Tagalog), tarabtab (Iloko), salimomo (Bisaya).
Cambodia Kanchoen bai dach.
Laos Say sou.
Thailand Chingchee (Central), kradaat khaao (Central), nuat maeo daeng (Northern)
Vietnam b[uf]ng ch[ef], c[as]p gai nh[or].

Geographical Distributions

From Burma (Myanmar), Indo-China, Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia, to Indonesia and the Philippines.



Capparis micracantha is a half-erect shrub or small tree with drooping branches. It is measure 1-6 m tall and rarely with a vine of measuring 2-4 m tall. The young branches are zigzag and hairless.

The leaves are oval to oblong-lance-shaped, with a size of measuring 9.5-20 cm x 3-11 cm, rounded base, variable apex, rarely acuminate, coriaceous, shining while the petiole is measure 0.7-1.5 cm long. The thorns are patent, straight or slightly curved, mesure 2-7 mm long and often absent on the flowering branches.

The flowers are 2-6 in a row while the pedicel is measure about 1 cm long. The ovate sepals are measuring 5.5-13 mm long while the petals are oblong or elliptical in shape, mesure 10-26 mm long, thin, white with yellow base but turn dark red later. Stamens are 20-45 with mesure 2.5-3 cm long filaments, white and with 15-35 mm long gynophores. The ovary and gynophore are sometimes abortive.

The berry is globular or ellipsoid in shape, measure 2-6 cm in diametre, with 4 longitudinal sutures, yellow, orange or red in colour and strongly smells when ripe.

The numerous seeds are whitish, slimy and sweet pulp.


Ecology / Cultivation

C. micracantha is found in brushwood, hedges and open forest, also along the seashore and in sandy locations, mostly below 500 m altitude.


Line Drawing / Photograph



    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (2): Medicinal and poisonous plants.

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