Cassia grandis L.f.

Cassia grandis L.f.




C. pachycarpa de Wit.


Vernacular Names

Malaysia Kotek, kotek mamak.
English Horse cassia, pink shower.
Cambodia Sac phle, kreete.
Laos Brai xiem, may khoum.
Thailand Kanpaphruek (Bangkok).
Vietnam b[oof] c[aj]p d[or], [oo] m[oo]i.

Geographical Distributions

Originating from tropical America, but introduced throughout the tropics; abundant in Cambodia and southern Vietnam, common as an ornamental and escape in Malaysia, Java and New Guinea.



Cassia grandisis a medium-sized tree which can reach up measure to 20(-30) m tall. It is semi-deciduous where the young branches and inflorescence are covered with rusty lanate indumentums.

The leaves are with 10-20 pairs of leaflets, measure 2-3 cm long petiole, lanate, subsessile leaflets, elliptical-oblong in shape, measuring 3-5 cm x 1-2 cm, subcoriaceous and rounded at both ends. The 20-40-flowered inflorescence is a lateral raceme. It is measure 10-20 cm long.

The flowers are with 5-8 mm long sepals. The petals are initially red, fading to pink and later orange in colour. The median one is red with a yellow patch. There are 10 stamens with hirsute anthers. The 3 long ones are with filaments that up to measure 30 mm and measuring  2-3 mm long anthers while the 5 short ones are with 7-9 mm filaments and  measure 1-1.5 mm long anthers and the final 2 reduced ones are with about 2 mm long filaments.

The fruit is pendent, compressed, measuring 20-40(-60) cm long, measure 3-5 cm in diametre, blackish in colour, smooth, woody and wrinkled.

The seeds are 20-40 per pod and surrounded by sweetish pulp.


Ecology / Cultivation

C. grandis is a common ornamental plant in villages at lower altitude.


Line Drawing / Photograph



    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (1): Medicinal and poisonous plants.

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