Cayratia mollissima (Wallich) Gagnep.

Cayratia mollissima (Wallich) Gagnep.




Vitis mollissima Wallich.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Lakom gajah, kesakitan burong, akar sebenkak.
Vietnam v[as]c l[oo]ng m[eef]m.

Geographical Distributions

Thailand, Indo-China, Malaysia and the Philippines.



Cayratia mollissima is an evergreen climber, measure 2-10 m long and with long stiffly hairy stem.

The leaves are 3-foliolate, measure up to 5 cm long petiole and hairy. The leaflets are elliptical to obliquely ovate in shape, serrate margins while both surfaces are softly hairy. The corymb is axillary, wide-spreading and measure up to 7.5 cm in diametre. The peduncle is measure up to 5 cm long.

The dull bluish-green flowers are small.

The berry is ovoid in shape, measure up to 2.5 cm in diametre, white to pinkish in colour and with crystals.


Ecology / Cultivation

C. mollissima occurs commonly along forest margins.


Line Drawing / Photograph



    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (2): Medicinal and poisonous plants.

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