Cerbera manghas L.


Cerbera manghas L.




C. linnaei Montrouz., C. odollam auct. non Gaertner.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Bentan, bintaru (Peninsular).
English Sea-mango.
Indonesia Bintaro (Java), bintan (Manado), mangga brabu (Moluccas).
Philippines Baraibai (Tagalog).
Burma (Myanmar) Kalwa salat.
Thailand Teenpet lek (Central), teenpet sai (Peninsular), rak khao (Southeastern).

Geographical Distributions

From the Seychelles towards Indo-China, Taiwan, Thailand, throughout the Malesian area to north-eastern Australia and Melanesia.



Cerbera manghas is a shrub or tree that can reach up to measure 25 m tall and its bole is measure up to 70 cm in diametre.

The leaves are narrowly obovate to elliptical in shape, with a size of measuring  5-31 cm x 1-7(-8) cm, measure (1.7-)2.4-7 of length-width ratio, wedge-shaped base, acuminate apex, apiculate or rounded and with 15-40 pairs of secondary veins.

The inflorescence is a few- to many-flowered, measure up to 30 cm long and usually only one flower opens at a time. The sepals are very variable in shape and size, measure 1.2-12 of length-width ratio while the petal tube is narrowly infundibuliform, measuring 17-55 mm long and with 5 lanate scales just below the mouth. The petal lobes are measure 15-50 mm long, usually white in colour, but locally tinged pink or yellow at the base. The stamens are inserted just beneath the mouth and covered by the lanate scales.

The fruit consists of 2 mericarps, ellipsoid in shape, with a size of measuring 5-12 cm x 3-7 cm x 3-5.5 cm and purplish-red or pale green in colour.


Ecology / Cultivation

Cerbera species are generally associated with water and occur along rivers or streams, in swamp forest and behind mangroves, but may also be found in shrubby savanna or in secondary forest edges.


Line Drawing / Photograph


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  1) Safety


    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (2): Medicinal and poisonous plants.

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