Cinnamomum javanicum Blume

Cinnamomum javanicum Blume




C. sulphuratum C. Nees, C. neglectum Blume.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Medang wangi, medang teja, kulit lawang kechil (Peninsular).
Indonesia Kayu tuha (Sumatra), huru gading, sintok lancang (Sundanese, Java).

Geographical Distributions

Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, Java and Borneo.



Cinnamomum javanicum is a small to medium-sized tree that can reach up to measure 21 m tall. Its bole can reach up to measure 50 cm in diameter and with up to 1 m high buttresses. The bark surface is smooth, lenticellate, grey and pink inner bark.

The leaves are arranged opposite or subopposite, with a size of measuring 13-40 cm x 3-15 cm, wedge-shaped base, acuminate apex, velvety hairy below and 3-veined. The main veins are prominent above. The tertiary venation is scalariform, prominent below and with measure 1-2 cm long petiole.

The inflorescence is terminal and it is measure 15-30 cm long. The flowers are velvety hairy.

The fruit is an ovoid in shape and measure about 1.5 cm x 1 cm. The lower half is enclosed in the hairy and lobed perianth cup.


Ecology / Cultivation

C. javanicum is locally common in lowland and hill forest, up to 1100 m altitude.


Line Drawing / Photograph



    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 5 (2): Timber trees: Minor commercial timbers.

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