Citrus reticulata Blanco


Citrus reticulata Blanco




Citrus nobilis Andrews et auct., non Lour., Citrus deliciosa Tenore, Citrus chrysocarpa Lushington.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Limau langkat, limau kupas, limau wangkang.
English Mandarin.
Indonesia Jeruk keprok, jeruk jepun, jeruk maseh.
Philippines Sintones.
Cambodia Krauch kvich.
Laos Som hot, som lot, liou.
Thailand Som khieo waan, som saengthong (Bangkok), ma baang (Chiang Mai).
Vietnam Cam sành, cây quit.
American Tangerine.
French Mandarinier.

Geographical Distributions

Citrus reticulata constitutes one of the three most strongly differentiated species in the genus. Prior to its distribution, selection and hybridisation by man, C. reticulata would have been limited to Southeast Asia, including the Malaysian Archipelago. Some writers specified Indo-China as the area of origin, but this is not likely to have been more than the core of the original range. Several of the mandarin groups distinguished in the trade are the Satsuma mandarins which are originated in Japan, the King mandarins in Indo-China, the Mediterranean mandarins in Italy, and the common mandarins in the Philippines. At present, C. reticulata is widely cultivated in all tropical and subtropical regions of the world.


C. reticulata is a small spiny tree with slender twigs. The leaves are broadly to narrowly lance-shaped or elliptic with acute at the tip and base.

The flowers arise singly or in small clusters in the axils of the leaves.

The fruit is a depressed spherical berry with thin, loose peel and easily separate from the segments. It is bright orange or scarlet-orange when fully ripen.

The seeds are small, pointed at one end and with a green embryo.

Ecology / Cultivation

C. reticulata is drought-resistant and able to survive long dry periods. On the other hand, air-layered of C. reticulata with a shallow root system is preferred for areas with a high fluctuating water table where deep-rooting seedling stocks would suffocate.

Line Drawing / Photograph


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  1) Essential Oil


  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 2: Edible fruits and nuts.