Croton argyratus Blume

Croton argyratus Blume





Vernacular Names

Malaysia Cheret budak, chenderai, semengkeh (Peninsular).
English Silver croton.
Indonesia Parengpeng (Sundanese), tapen kebo (Javanese), leprak (Madurese).
Philippines Tubang puti (Pilipino).
Brunei Kemarik.

Geographical Distributions

Croton argyratus is distributed from India (Andaman Islands), and up to peninsular Thailand. peninsular Malaysiaand throughout Malesia Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, West-, Central-, South- and East-Kalimantan), Philippines, Celebes, Moluccas. (except for New Guinea).



C. argyratus is a tree that can reach up to measure about 20(-27) m tall.

The leaves are ovate in shape, measuring about 8-26 cm x 6-11 cm and subcordate base with 2 small and auricled lobes. The apex is acuminate and entire margin. The lower surface is densely covered with bronze scale-like hairs. The petiole is measure about 2.5-18 cm long.

The inflorescence is densely scaly. The outside sepal is densely scaly. Flowers are staminate. The petals are obovate in shape, 2.5-3 mm long, hairy, with 11 stamens where the filaments are with long hairs or hairless. The disk flowers are with stellate hairs while the ovary is densely scaly.

The 6-grooved fruit is spherical in shape and it is measure 1.5-2 cm in diametre.


Ecology / Cultivation

C. argyratus is found in a variety of vegetation types and soils in subhumid climates, up to 1000(-1500) m altitude. It also can grows on hillsides and ridges with clay to sandy soils. It flowers throughout the year, and the limits of the species are still not fully understood.


Line Drawing / Photograph



    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (2): Medicinal and poisonous plants.

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