Dillenia ovata Wallich ex Hook.f. & Thomson

Dillenia ovata Wallich ex Hook.f. & Thomson





Vernacular Names

Malaysia Simpoh beludu (Peninsular).
Indonesia Simpur minyak, pisang maru (Sumatra), simpur darut (Bangka).
Cambodia ‘san ‘nhai1.
Thailand Tanokkot (North-eastern), san-khwang, san-bailek (Peninsular).
Vietnam s[oof] xoan.

Geographical Distributions

Dillenia ovata is distributed throughout Indo-China, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Bangka.



D. ovata is a medium-sized evergreen tree which measure can reach up to 20(-30) m tall. Its bole is often rather knotted and branchless for up to 5 m and up to 40(—100) cm in diametre. The bark surface is flaky and reddish-brown in colour.

The leaves are ovate to elliptical in shape, measuring about (7-)10-20(-30) cm x (5-)7-12(-15) cm, entire to obscurely dentate margin while the petiole is up to measure 4.5 cm long.

The flowers are  measure about 16 cm in diametre, with 5 sepals and lemon-yellow in colour of  petals. The stamens are in 2 distinct groups where the inner ones is slightly larger, emarginate to mucronate anthers at the apex and opened by pores.

The fruit is indehiscent while the seed is without aril.


Ecology / Cultivation

D. ovata occurs in open or secondary forest and on savannas, usually in the lowland but in Indo-China up to 1500 m altitude.


Line Drawing / Photograph



    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 5 (2): Timber trees: Minor commercial timbers.

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