Durio dulcis Becc.

Durio dulcis Becc.




D. conicus Becc.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia (Borneo), Indonesia Lahong, layung, durian bala (Dayak), durian merah (Malay), durian isa (Iban), pesasang (Tidung).

Geographical Distributions

Durio dulcis is distributedthroughout Borneo; occasionally also cultivated for the fruits.



D. dulcis is a fair large tree that can reach up to measure 40 m tall, with its bole is up to measure 80 cm in diametre and with large buttresses which are up to measure 4 m high. The bark surface is rough, superficially fissured or irregularly flaky and reddish-brown in colour.

The leaves are elliptical or obovate-elliptical in shape, measuring about 7-14 cm x 3.5-6 cm and densely scaly below.

The flowers are in short inflorescence clustered on the older branches. The petals are up to measure 45 mm long, pink in colour, stamens in bundles and opened by a slit.

The fruit is spherical and up to measure 15 cm in diametre, while the outside is dark red to dark brown-red in colour with long slender spines and very strong smells.


Ecology / Cultivation

D. dulcis occurs in lowland forest up to 800 m altitude; it is found scattered in mixed dipterocarp forest on sandy clay soils and friable clay loams. The heartwood is pink to dark red-brown.

Line Drawing / Photograph



    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 5(2): Timber trees: Minor commercial timbers.

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