Durio oxleyanus Griffith

Durio oxleyanus Griffith





Vernacular Names

Malaysia Durian beludu, durian burong (Peninsular), durian isa (Iban, Borneo).
Indonesia Durian daun (Sumatra), kerantongan, lotong, ladyin tedak (Kalimantan).

Geographical Distributions

Durio oxleyanus is occurs in peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo; sometimes cultivated.



D. oxleyanus is a fairly large tree that can reach up to measure 40 m tall, with its bole branchless for up to measure 30 m and up to measure about 100(-140) cm in diametre which having buttresses up to measure 3 m high. The bark surface is very rough, deeply fissured, peels off in long pieces, dark brown or dark rusty brown in colour.

The leaves are broadly elliptical to oblong in shape, measuring about 7-20 cm x 3-7.5 cm, densely covered with greyish star-shaped hairs below and scaly on veins.

The flowers are in irregular cymes fascicled on twigs or on older branches. The petals are measure about 15 mm long and they are white or pale cream in colour. The stamens are in bundles that alternate with 4 free stamens.

The fruit is spherical in shape, up to measure 20 cm in diametre where the outside is greyish-green in colour with large, stiff, broadly pyramidal and slightly curved spines.


Ecology / Cultivation

D. oxleyanus usually occurs as an emergent in moist locations in lowland rain forest, especially on frequently flooded clay-rich alluvium, up to 400 m altitude.


Line Drawing / Photograph



    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 5 (2): Timber trees: Minor commercial timbers.

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