Eriosema chinense J.R.T. Vogel

Eriosema chinense J.R.T. Vogel




Dolichos biflorus auct. non L.

Vernacular Names




Katil, okun (Igorot), kitkitil (Bontok).


Te:l, te:l tueng’.


Kh’o:nz ko:ng.


Man chaang, man thong (Peninsular), haeo praduu (Central), khon klong (Southeastern).


Mao t[uwr] trung qu[oos]c.

Geographical Distributions

Eriosema chi­nense is found from India, eastward to Burma (Myanmar), China, Taiwan, Indo-China, and Thai­land, southward through Malaysia and to northern Aus­tralia. It is also found in the Philippines, Peninsular Malaysia, Java and New Guinea.


Eriosema chi­nense is an annual or perennial, erect herb that can grow up to 12-50(-90) cm tall. It is not or sparingly branched, with cylindrical tuber, which measures up to 3 cm x 5 cm.

The leaves are arranged alter­nate and 1-foliolate. The stipules are linear, 4-5(-10) mm long and persistent. The leaflet is oblong to linear, measures 1-8 cm x 0.3-2 cm, rounded at base, acute or acuminate at apex, with long hairs on margin and midrib, sparsely hairy above and densely pubescent below.

The petiolule is 1-3(-10) mm long. The inflorescence is an axillary pseudoraceme, 6-15 mm long and 1-3-flowered. The flowers are papiliona­ceous and about 7 mm long. The sepal is bell-shaped, 5 ­lobed, hairy, with tube 2 mm long and narrow-triangu­lar lobes 2-3 mm long. The petal is pale bright yellow, sometimes tinged purple, with standard small lobe or ear, ob­long wings and is longer than the keel-petals. There are 10 stamens, which are di­adelphous. The ovary is 2-ovulate.

The fruit is a cylindri­cal pod, which measures 10-12 mm x 5-8 mm, 1-2-seeded, brown to black, covered with long brown to grey hairs and dehis­cent. The seed is kidney-shaped, 2-4 mm long, minutely pitted and arillate along the width.

Ecology / Cultivation

Eriosema chinense is found in habitats rang­ing from coniferous and open broadleaf forests, sa­vannas, grasslands and roadsides on sandy soils up to 1500(-2000) m altitude.

Line Drawing / Photograph



1.       Plant Resources of South-East Asia No.12(2): Medicinal and poisonous plants 2.