Ficus retusa L.

Ficus retusa L.




Ficus truncata Miq.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Ara jejawi (Peninsular).
Philippines Balete (Tagalog), marabutan (Bagobo).

Geographical Distributions

Ficus retusa is distributed from India and southern China, throughout Southeast Asia, to Australia and New Caledonia.


F. retusa is a tree which is up to measure 18 m tall, with aerial roots and milky latex. The twigs are with prominent projections of stipular rings and petiolar scars.

The leaves are arranged alternate. The stipules are large and persistent. The petiole is up to measure 2 cm long. The blade is oblanceolate to narrowly obovate in shape, measuring  5-15 cm x 3-6 cm, narrowed base and 3-veined. The apex is rounded to bluntly point. The secondary veins are 5-8 pairs with all veins are prominent below.

The inflorescence is an axillary fig, slightly spherical to obovoid in shape, measure about 1 cm in diametre, sessile, yellow-red in colour, often in pairs and crowded.

Ecology / Cultivation

F. retusa grows in open lowland forest, brushwood and near rivers.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 18: Plants producing exudates.


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