GlobinMed Crop Production Technology: Glossary
Terms | Description |
Air-dried | Drying by exposing to dry air (drying under shade) |
Alluvial soil | A type of soil developed along the flood plains or river banks |
Ample sunlight | The growing condition by which sunlight is more than that is required by the plant (the actual requirement depends on the crop species) |
Basal dressing | The fertiliser applied for the initial stage of crop growth |
Blooming period | The period(s) of the year when a particular crop species are expected to produce flowers |
Bris soil | A sandy type of soil usually found in costal areas in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah. |
Commercial crops | Crops that are grown for sale, rather than exclusively for own consumption |
Commercial drying oven | Large-scale oven used to dry plant material. |
Compost | Organic materials derived from plant and animal matter that has been decomposed largely through aerobic decomposition |
Disc harrow | A farm implement that consists of a row of iron or steel discs that are used to plough the land |
Disc plough | See: disc harrow |
Drip-tape | A special type of tubing used in drip irrigation system |
Dry weight | The plant materials that has the moisture content of less than 10% |
Ex-situ conservation | Conservation of the crop species outside its natural growth environment (habitat) |
Excess soil moisture | The condition by which the soil moisture content is higher than the optimum level (such as under waterlogged conditions) |
Full maturity | The stage by which the plant are fully grown, developed or ripe (fruit) and ready to be harvested. |
Full sunlight | The growing condition by which the crops are planted under unobstructed sunlight |
Fully grown plants | The stage where the plant has developed to their full size and will not grow any bigger |
Furrow irrigation | The type of irrigation system by which the water are distributed in furrows between the planting beds |
Hardening process | The process of gradually exposing the seedlings to a harsher environment |
Healthy seedlings | Seedlings those are vigorous and free from mechanical defects, pests and diseases infestations |
High humidity | The condition when the air moisture content is greater than 90% |
Idle land | Land that was previously cultivated but is left fallow |
Mature rhizomes | Fully grown underground stems |
Mechanical injury | Injury of a plant parts either by abrasion or cuts |
Micro jet | A type of water dispersal unit that distributes water within a small area |
Mono-cropping | The cropping systems where only one particular crop is grown in the same field. |
Open field production systems | A system of production by which the crops are planted under full sunlight (no shade effects) |
Perennial plant | The type of plant that lives for more than two years. |
Physiological growth stage | The stage by which the plants starts to produce the different organs such as leaves, flowers and fruits |
Planting distance | The distance between the planting points (within and between rows) |
Planting season | The period of the year when climatic conditions are favourable for the crop growth |
Plastic mulch | Plastic sheets used to cover the planting beds to suppress weeds and conserve water |
Ploughing | To break and turn over soil by using plough |
Post harvest | Activities that are related in maintaining the quality of the harvested produce |
Potting medium | Material used for growing plants in containers. The composition may include vermiculite, perlite, sand, peat, charcoal, loam and fertilizer. |
Professional collectors | The individuals who collected the herbs from the forests and sell to processing companies |
Propagation | Production of planting materials, either by vegetative means or seeds |
Pruning | The selective removal of parts of a plant |
Root cuttings | Cuttings taken from the root of a plant and used for propagation |
Roto-tillage operation | The process of improving the soil structure by using rotovator |
Rotovation | Process to break up the soil using rotovator |
Sandy loam | The type of soil with composition of sand, silt and clay at about 40%, 40% and 20% respectively |
Shoot cuttings | Cuttings taken from the young shoot or immature stem of a plant and used for propagation |
Stem cuttings | Cuttings taken from the stem of a plant and used for propagation |
Sufficient water | Enough water for optimum crop growth |
Sun-dried | Drying by exposing directly to the sunlight |
Time of harvest | The right time by which the crops are harvested |
Tin tailing | A sandy type of soil developed as result of the tin mining activities |
Vegetative propagation | The use of vegetative parts of the plants as the source of the planting materials |
Virgin land | The land that is never been developed for crop cultivation. |