Goniothalamus velutinus Airy Shaw

Goniothalamus velutinus Airy Shaw





Vernacular Names

Kayu tas, limpanas (Malay), selokai (Iban).s
Brunei Linpanas hitam, talipanas hitam (Sengkurong).

Geographical Distributions

Goniothalamus velutinus is occur in Borneo.


G. velutinus is a small tree up to  measure 6 m tall. The young shoots are densely dark-rusty velutinous.

The leaves are oblanceolate in shape,with a size measure 40-42 cm x 8.5-10 cm, rotundate base, acuminate apex, with measure 1.5-2 cm long acumen, papyraceous and covered with dark-rusty hairs. The petiole is measuring 1.8 cm long and densely velutinous. The pedicel is measure about 0.5-0.9 cm long and with 4 bracts at the base.

The sepals are triangular-ovate and measure about 0.7 cm x 0.4 cm. The outer petals are ovate-lance-shaped and with a size measure 1.8 cm x 0.8 cm while the inner petals are ovate in shape, with a size measure 1.2 cm x 0.6 cm and greenish in colour. The stamens are more than 100 while the carpels are 12-16.

Ecology / Cultivation

G. velutinus is found in mixed dipterocarp forest, common on upper slopes and ridges.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (2): Medicinal and poisonous plants.