Grateloupia filicina (J.V. Lamour.) C. Agardh

Grateloupia filicina (J.V. Lamour.) C. Agardh




Fucus filicina Wulfen (nom. illeg.), Delesseria filicina J.V. Lamour.

Vernacular Names

Indonesia Sayur karang.

Geographical Distributions

Grateloupia filicina was first recorded in Trieste (Italy). It is considered to be cosmopolitan and widely distributed in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. It occurs along the entire coast of China. In Southeast Asia, it has been recorded for Burma (Myanmar), East Malaysia, Indonesia (Java, Sumatra, Sumba) and the Philippines.


This thallus is purplish-red, gelatinous, with slippery surface, erect, linear, compressed to subcylindrical, caespitose, measures 15-20 cm tall, taper to the base and apex, with a short stalk and anchored by small holdfast.

Its branching is generally pinnate, sometimes radial, measures 2-3 mm wide of branch pinnules and commonly compressed subcylindrical. The internal structure is filamentous where the medulla is composed of anastomosing filaments.

The cortex is made up of anticlinal rows of cells. Life cycle is triphasic, diplo-haplontic, isomorphic and dioecious. Tetrasporangia are cruciate and scattered on the cortex of the frond. Antheridia are in superficial patches on the cortex.

The cystocarps are slightly prominent and embedded in the cortex.

Ecology / Cultivation

G. filicina grows attached firmly to dead corals and rocks on rocky, wave-exposed shores and edges of reefs or rocky walls of reef channels.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 15(1): Cryptogams: Algae.