Ipomoea pes-tigridis L.

Ipomoea pes-tigridis L.





Vernacular Names


Tiger’s footprint.


Garnet (Javanese), samaka furu (Ter­nate), maka-maka (Tidore).


Bangban­gau-ng-buduan (Iloko), malasandia (Panay Bisaya).


Khayum teenmaa (Northern), thao saai thong loi (Central), phao-Ia buu-Iuu (Peninsu­lar).


B[if]m ch[aa]n c[oj]p.

Geographical Distributions

Ipomoea pes-tigridis is distributed from tropical Africa, Mascarene Islands, to continental tropical Asia and throughout Malaysia.


Ipomoea pes-tigridis is a slender, herbaceous annual, twining or sometimes prostrate twig, 0.5-3 m long, and patently hairy with rigid hairs.

The leaves are orbic­ular or transversely elliptical in outline, and measure 3-7.5 cm x 2.5-10 cm. They are palmately divided nearly to the base with (3-)5-7(-9) segments. The segment is oblong to el­liptical-oblong, and attenuate towards both ends. The peti­ole is 1.5-10 cm long.

The flowers are in a few-flowered head, with 2-18 cm long peduncle, linear to oblong bracts and 1-3 cm long. The sepals are slightly unequal, 7-12 mm long and lance-shaped while the petal is funnel-shaped, 3-4 cm long, where the midpetaline bands are sparsely hairy, white, with unequal filaments, hairless and with hairless ovary.

The cap­sule is ovoid, 8 mm long, 1-celled and 4-valved.

There are 4 seeds which are 4 mm long and sparsely grey-tomentose. 

Ecology / Cultivation

Ipomoea pes-tigridis occurs in grasslands, waste places, fields, thickets, occasionally in teak forests, also in sandy soils near beaches, and up to 1300 m altitude. It can be found flowering throughout the year when suffi­cient water is available.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No.12(2): Medicinal and poisonous plants 2.

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