Merremia vitifolia (Burm.f.) Hallier f.

Merremia vitifolia (Burm.f.) Hallier f.




Convolvulus vitifolius Burm.f., Ipomoea vitifolia Blume.


Vernacular Names

Malaysia Akar lulang bulu, ulan raya (Peninsular).
Indonesia Ginda purang utang (Javanese), areuy kawoyang (Sundanese), dewulu (Madurese).
Philippines Lakmit (Tagalog), kalalakmit (Sulu).
Cambodia Var moba mek.
Thailand Ching chaw.
Vietnam b[if]m l[as] nho

Geographical Distributions

Merremia vitifolia is distributed from India, the Andaman Islands and Sri Lanka to Indo-China and throughout Malesia.


M. vitifolia is a large twiner, with a size of measuring 2-5 m long, cylindrical stems where the older ones is striate and smooth or patently white hirsute.

The leaves are orbicular in outline, with a size of measure about 5-18 cm x 5-16 cm, cordate base, palmately lobed, with 5-7 lobes, broadly triangular to lance-shaped, acuminate to obtuse apex, coarsely dentate to crenate margin, sparsely to densely hairy and with a size of measuring about 2-15 cm long petiole.

The flowers are 1-3(-5) together, with a size of measure 1-15 cm long peduncle and tiny bracts. The flower buds are narrowly ovoid or acute in shape, with a size of measuring 8-20 mm long pedicel and club-shaped in fruit. The sepals are oblong to ovate-oblong in shape, with glandular pellucid dots, with a size of measure 12-20 mm long while in fruit is a measuring about 20-25 mm long, thick, subleathery and whitish inside. The petal is funnel-shaped, with a size of measure 4-6 cm long and obtuse lobes. The midpetaline bands are distinctly 5-veined, bright yellow in colour, towards the base of paler and with spirally twisted anthers.

The capsule is slightly spherical in shape, with a size of measure 12 mm high, papery and straw-coloured. The measuring about  6-7 mm long seed is dull black in colour  and smooth glabrous.


Ecology / Cultivation

M. vitifolia occurs in regions with or without a strong dry season, in open grasslands, thickets, hedges, along fields, in teak forests, along edges of secondary forests, on river-banks and roadsides, from sea-level up to 900 m altitude.


Line Drawing / Photograph



    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (2): Medicinal and poisonous plants.

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