Micromelum minutum (J.G. Forster) Wight & Arn.

Micromelum minutum (J.G. Forster) Wight & Arn.




Micromelum pubescens Blume, Micromelum ceylanicum Wight, Micromelum compressum (Blanco) Merr.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Chememar, cherek, kematu (Peninsular).
English Lime berry.
Indonesia Sesi (Lampung), ki mangkok (Sundanese), mentanen (Javanese).
Thailand Samui (Chaang) (Peninsular), saam sok (Northern), sabaek (Eastern).
Philippines Ppiris (Tagalog), makabangon (Bikol), basar basar (Iloko).
Vietnam Cam n[us]i, kim s[uw][ow]ng.

Geographical Distributions

Micromelum minutum is found from India throughout Southeast Asia to Australia and the Pacific.


M. minutum is a small to medium-sized, and an unarmed tree grows up to 20 m tall. The stem diametre is measuring up to 15 cm. The twigs and buds are densely short-haired.

The leaves are alternate, pinnate with an unpaired terminal leaflet, measure up to 30 cm long including the leaf stalk where 9-15 leaflets are arranged alternately. The 3-12 cm x 1.5-6 cm leaflets are egg-shaped-lance-shaped. Its base is obtuse and asymmetrical while the apex is attenuate-acuminate., It is rarely obtuse or notched at the extremity. The, margin is entire to irregularly undulate-crenate and the leaflet stalk is measures 3-5 mm long.

The inflorescence is terminal, cymose-resembling a panicle, measures (3-)15-20 cm long. The 5-merous flowers are bisexual., .The sepal is cupular and shallowly 5 toothed. The floral petals are linear-oblong, measure 7 mm x 1.5mm, pale green to yellowish-white, and densely appressed hairy outside. The stamens are 10 while ovary is superior, cylindrical, 5-celled where the cells are bi-ovulate, and with a twisting of the radial follicle walls.

The fruit is an ellipsoid, oblong berry, measures 6-10 mm long, with 1-3 developed compartments and each is one-seeded. The seed is glabrate yellow to red when ripe, with flat and folded cotyledons. Seedling is with epigeal germination; emergent cotyledons are green; hypocotyl is elongated.

Ecology / Cultivation

M. minutum is found on a wide range of soils in both primary and secondary forest, from sea-level up to 1000 m altitude.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 12(2): Medicinal and poisonous plants 2.

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