Parkia speciosa Hassk

Parkia speciosa Hassk




Parkia macrocarpa Miquel.

Vernacular Names




Petai, pete (Javanese), peuteuy (Sundanese).


Sator (General), sator dan (Peninsular), sator kow (Peninsular).

Geographical Distributions

Parkia spe­ciosa is native to Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, and peninsular Thailand. Occasionally it is cultivated, but rarely outside its native area.


Parkia spe­ciosa is a tree that can reach up to 30 m tall, with smooth reddish-brown bark and hairy branchlets.

The leaves are arranged alternate and bipinnate. The petiole is 2-6 cm long, with subcircular glands about 1 cm above the base. The rachis is 18-30 cm long, with subcircular glands be­tween the junctions of the basal pairs of pinnae. There are 14-18 pairs of pinnae which are 3-9 cm long, and with circular glands below the basal pairs of leaflets. There are (18-)31-38 pairs of leaflets per pinna which are linear, and measuring 5-9 mm x 1.5-2.2 mm where the base at one side is expanded into an apiculate auricle. The apex is rounded and mucronate.

The inflo­rescence is a pear-shaped pendulous head and measures 2-5 cm in diametre. The peduncle is 20-45 cm long. The flowers are small and numerous. They are brown-yellow, male or asexual at the base of the head and bisexual at the apex of the head. The sepal and petal are tubular and 5-lobed. There are 10 stamens (staminodes). The filaments at the base unite into a tube. The ovary is borne on a short stalk.

The fruit is a legume on a long stalk. It measures 35-45 cm x 3-5 cm, usually strong twisted and prominently swollen over the 12-18 seeds.

The seed is broadly ovoid, measuring 2-2.5 cm x 1.5-2 cm, horizon­tal in the pod, with very thin testa and white.

Ecology / Cultivation

Parkia spe­ciosa is frequently cultivated from the plains up to elevations of 1500 m, but it does best between 500-1000 m. At low elevations, there are pest problems, and above 1000 m, produc­tivity decreases. Wild trees are found in primary and secondary forests, mostly at low elevations.

Line Drawing / Photograph


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  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No.8: Vegetables.