Sida acuta Burm.f.


Sida acuta Burm.f.




Sida carpinifolia (non L.f.) Mast.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Bunga telur belangkas, lidah ular, sedeguri (Peninsular).
English Broom weed, spinyhead sida.
Indonesia Sidaguri (Javanese), galungang (Sundanese), taghuri (Madurese).
Papua New Guinea Kuriakuria (Vanapa Bridge, Central Province).
Philippines Ualisualisan, takkimbaka (Tagalog), pamalis (Tagalog, Bisaya).
Cambodia Kantrang ba sa.
Thailand Naa-khui-mee, yaa khat mon (Northern), yung kwaat(Central).

B[as]i ch[oor]i, ch[oor]i d[uwj]c, b[as]i nk[oj]n.

Geographical Distributions

Sida acuta is widely distributed in the tropics and common in South Asia.


Sida acuta is an erect, branched, nearly hairless herb or small shrub, which can grow 30-100 cm tall with a strong taproot, stems and branches are flattened at the tips.

The leaves are oblong-lance-shaped to linear, 2-9 cm x 0.5-4 cm, acute to rounded base, acute apex, serrate-dentate margins, lower surface is smooth or with short stellate hairs, petiole is 3-6 mm long, at least one stipule of each pair is lance-shaped-linear, 1-2 mm broad, often curved and ciliate while the other is narrower.

The flowers are solitary or densely crowded on side-shoots, 1.3 cm in diametre. The pedicel is 3-8 mm. The 6-8 mm long pale yellow petals are emarginated. There are 5-8 mericarps with a size of 3.5 mm long, 2 awns, which are 1-1.5 mm long and hairless.

Ecology / Cultivation

Sida acuta grows on roadsides, dams, fields, lawns, waste places and teak-forests, common at sea-level but also up to 1500 m altitude.

Line Drawing / Photograph


Read More

  1)  Safety


  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No.12(2): Medicinal and poisonous plants 2.

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