Sigesbeckia orientalis L.

Sigesbeckia orientalis L.





Vernacular Names


Small yellow crown-beard.


Kae­des (Ivatan), put (Bontok).


Khon cham noi (Eastern), saa phaan kon, yaa phom yung (Northern).


N[uj] [as]o r[if]a, l[uw][owx]i d[oof]ng, hy thi[ ee]m.

Papua New Guinea

Lopalopa (Tobobugu, Southern Highlands Province).


Guerit-vite, herbe divine, herbe de Placq.

Geographical Distributions

Sigesbeckia orien­talis originates from the tropics and subtropics of the Old World, and is found from Africa to India, China and Japan and further through Malaysia, Java and the Philippines to Australia and Polynesia. It is now cosmopolitan in warm climates and is sometimes cultivated.


Sigesbeckia orientalis is an erect, annual herb, 20-110 cm tall and with an unpleasant odour. The stems and branch­es are widely ascending-spreading, dichotomously forked above, densely short pubescent and with purple-tinged branches.

The leaves are arranged opposite, simple, ovate-ob­long to deltoid-ovate, measure 5-14 cm x 3-10 cm, and truncate to wedge-shaped or narrowed at base into the petiole. The apex is short acuminate to acute, with irregular­ly obtuse-dentate margins, distinctly 3-veined, chartace­ous, densely short-pubescent on both sides and glan­dular-dotted beneath. The upper leaves are gradually smaller and narrow, while becoming oblong and obtuse at apex.

The petiole of lower leaves is long and winged, while for the upper leaves is short. The stipules are absent. The inflorescence is a small head, 16-21 mm across and compounded together in a loose panicle. The pe­duncles are 1-3.5 cm long, with the longest peduncle some­times glandular-pilose; there are 5 outer involucral bracts, which are spreading, measure 5-15 mm x 1-2 mm, and glandular-hairy. There are also 5 inner involucral bracts, which are 5 mm long, glandular outside and enclosing the individual flowers like a boat. There are 5 ligulate female flowers, with 2.2-2.5 mm long petal, trifid, yellow and reddish beneath. Besides, there are about 10 tubular flowers, which are bisexual, with petal 1.5 mm long, 5-dentate at apex and yellow. There are 5 anthers, which are linear and arrow-shaped. The ovary is inferior and 4-5-angled. The style arms in ligu­late flowers are 2.5 mm long, short in bisexual flowers, flattened and acute.

The fruit is oblong, curved, truncate, 4-angular achene, 3 mm long, blackish and smooth. The pappus is absent.

Ecology / Cultivation

Sigesbeckia orientalis is widespread along road­sides, in wastelands and cultivated lands, young secondary forests, tea and coffee plantations, and prefers moist, fertile localities. It grows mostly at low altitudes, but can be found up to 2100 m alti­tude. In Vietnam, it is sometimes cultivated on heavy and sandy soils, between 50-700 m alti­tude, but it is mainly found between 200-300 m, in sunny locations with moist soils. The optimum temperature for growth is 10-27°C. Sigesbeckia orientalis can flower throughout the year, but has its peak during the rainy season. Proliferation of the flowers can occur under humid conditions.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No.12(2): Medicinal and poisonous plants 2.

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