Stemonurus secundiflorus Blume

Stemonurus secundiflorus Blume




Stemonurus lanceolatus Becc., S. ridleyanus Sleumer, Urandra secundiflora (Blume) O. Kuntze.

Vernacular Names

Malaysia Kepot dejuku (Dayak, Sarawak), lada-lada hutan, perepat bukit (Peninsular).
Indonesia Bahuhu uding (SimeuluĂ«), lokan (Sumatra), saber bubu  (Bangka).

Geographical Distributions

Stemonurus secundiflorus is distributed from peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra (including the islands along the west coast), West Java, Borneo and intervening islands.


S. secundiflorus is an evergreen, small to medium-sized trees that can reach up to measure about 30(-40) m tall. Its bole is straight, cylindrical, branchless for up to measure 24 m, up to measure 60 cm in diametre and sometimes with small buttresses or pneumatophores. The bark surface is smooth to finely fissured or cracked, occasionally hoop-marked or pustulates, whitish to grey and grey-brown or greenish-grey in colour. The inner bark is with orange and white mottles. The crown is moderately dense and compact.

The leaves are arranged spirally, simple, entire, thick and leathery, hairless and exstipulate.

The inflorescence is an axillary, The flowers are sessile, bisexual and fragrant. The sepal is cup-shaped, truncate or slightly 5-lobed. The petals are (4-)5 which connate at the base, white to yellowish in colour and with inflexed apex. The stamens are (4-)5, with hairy filaments at the apex and distally hairy anthers. The disk is an annular. The ovary is superior, unilocular with 2 apical ovules and 1 style.

The fruit is a 1-seeded drupe. It is dark red to purple in the lower part and pale or greenish in the upper. The seedling is with epigeal germination. The cotyledons are emergent and leafy. The hypocotyl is very elongate where all leaves are arranged spirally.

Ecology / Cultivation

S. secundiflorus occurs in well-drained locations and swamps.

Line Drawing / Photograph



    1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 5 (3): Timber trees: Lesser-known timbers.

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