Thottea grandiflora Rottb.

Thottea grandiflora Rottb.





Vernacular Names

Malaysia seburut, geroboh, sel-wohl (Peninsular).

Geographical Distributions

Thottea grandiflora is occurs throughout peninsular Burma (Myanmar), Peninsular Malaysia.


T. grandiflora is an erect shrub and up to measure 2 m tall.

The leaves are obovate, elliptical or ovate-oblong in shape, with a size of measure about (15-)20-30 cm x 9-10(-20) cm, acute apex, short acuminate, variously pubescent above and hispid-pubescent beneath. The basal veins are in 2-3 pairs. The lateral veins are in 10-12 pairs while the other veins are parallel or reticulate.

The inflorescence is axillary, spikeform or racemiform, or fascicled at the lower part of stem. The perianth is funnel-shaped and up to measure 12.5 cm long. It is deep reddish-purple in colour and purple mottled, prominent reticulate veins and puberulous. The tube is about half the length of the perianth. The lobes are triangular and with a size of measure 5-6 cm x 6-7 cm. The stamens are in 2 whorls where the upper whorl is 15(-18) while the lower whorl is 15(-24). The style is short, with 8-19 lobes.

The measuring of 10-15 cm long capsule is slender.

Ecology / Cultivation

T. grandiflora occurs in lowland forest, up to 600 m altitude.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (2): Medicinal and poisonous plants.

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