Thottea parviflora Ridley

Thottea parviflora Ridley





Vernacular Names

Malaysia chudok (Pahang).
Thailand huu mee (peninsular).

Geographical Distributions

Thottea parviflora is distributed from peninsular Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia.


T. parviflora is a small and erect shrub and pubescent that can grow measure 1-2 m tall.

The leaves are ovate, obovate to broadly elliptical in shape, with a size of measure 10-26 cm x 4.5-9 cm, acuminate apex, puberulous blade, 2 or 3 pairs of basal veins that ascending upwards to 2/3 of the blade. The lateral veins are 6-9 pairs while the other veins are parallel.

The inflorescence is a spikeform or racemose cluster, up to measure 1.5 cm long and in axils of fallen leaves. The perianth is bell-shaped, with a size of measure 2-4 mm long, as well as with a size of measure 6 mm in diametre, white, greenish, pinkish to purplish in colour, papillate inside, longitudinal veins and loosely reticulate. The lobes are semi-orbicular and with a size of measuring 1.5-3 mm x 3.5-4.5 mm. The stamens are (15-)20-22 in 4 whorls. The style is almost branched from the base, with 4-5 lobes and hairless.

The capsules are slender and up to measure 9 cm long.

Ecology / Cultivation

T. parviflora occurs in lowland forest, occasionally in swampy forest, up to 150 m altitude. In Thailand it is also occasionally found on granite rock in forests, up to about 1000 m.

Line Drawing / Photograph



  1. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (2): Medicinal and poisonous plants.

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