Therapeutic values of different routes of administration of vitamin A with ferrous sulfate in treating deferoxamin-induced iron-deficiency anemia


Sajedianfard J




J Nutr Sci Vitaminol. Tokyo.


About half the pregnant women in developing countries suffer from iron-deficiency anemia. The treatment of choice for these patients includes iron compounds such as ferrous sulfate. It was recently shown that a concomitant administration of vitamin A with ferrous sulfate increases iron-induced hematopoietic effect. In the current study, the efficacy of various routes of administration of vitamin A with ferrous sulfate in deferoxamin-treated anemic rats were compared. The work reveals no difference among various routes of administration, including several alternates of oral and intramuscular injection of vitamin A and ferrous sulfate for 28 d. It was therefore concluded that the therapeutic effect of vitamin A in iron-deficiency anemia is probably not via its influence on iron absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.

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