Acacia concinna (Willd.) DC

Scientific Name

Acacia concinna (Willd.) DC.


Acacia hooperiana Miq., Acacia philippinarium Benth., Acacia poilanei Gagnep., Acacia polycephala DC., Acacia quisumbingii Merr., Acacia rugata (Lam.) Merr., Guilandina microphylla DC., Mimosa concinna Willd., Mimosa rugata Lam., Nygae sylvarum-minimae Rumph., Acacia rugata (Lamk) Buch.-Ham. ex Benth [1].

Vernacular Name

EnglishSoap pod tree [2]
IndonesiaKate-kate kecil (Moluccas); gongai (Banda) [2]
CambodiaBânla: sâ-‘öt, ba:y dâmna:ëb [2]
Laos‘som, po:y [2]
VietnamKeo l[as] me [2]
ThailandSom khon, som poi (Northern) [2]

Geographical Distributions

A. concinna is widely distributed in tropical Asia and occurs throughout Southeast Asia. It occurs in primary and secondary rainforests, often at riversides, also found in forest clearings and margins, up to 1000 m altitude [2].

Botanical Description

This plant is from Fabaceae family and it is an erect, spreading or scrambling shrub or liana, which can reach up to 18(-30) m long [2].

The leaflets are membranous, with lateral veins forming a reticulate pattern beneath. The petiole of leaflets contains prominent glands and circular to elliptical rachis [2].

The flowers are in glomerules and 7-12 mm in diametre [2].

The pod is oblong and often with constrictions, measuring 4.5-15 cm x 1.5-2 cm [2].


No documentation

Chemical Constituent

No documentation

Plant Part Used

No documentation

Traditional Use

No documentation

Preclinical Data

No documentation

Clinical Data

No documentation

Poisonous Management

No documentation.

Line Drawing

Figure 1: The line drawing of A. concinna. [2]


  1. The Plant List. Ver1.1. Acacia concinna (Willd.) DC. [updated 2010 July 14; cited 2014 July 8]. c2013. Available from:
  2. Lemmens RHMJ, Bunyapraphatsara N. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 12(3). Medicinal and poisonous plants 3. Netherlands: Backhuys Publishers; 2003. p. 664
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