Cissus adnata Roxb.

Scientific Name

Cissus adnata Roxb.


Cissus compressa Blume, Cissus latifolia Vahl, Cissus pallida (Wight & Arn.) Steud., Cissus simplex Blanco, Vitis compressa (Blume) Backer, Vitis simplex (Blanco) Burkill [1]

Vernacular Name

MalaysiaAkar gamik, sambangan, seketan [2][3]
ChinaXiu mao bai fen teng , tie sheng bai fen teng [3]
IndonesiaAreuy beung beurutan (Sundanese); bantengan, galing kebo (Javanese) [2][3]
ThailandHun (Eastern) [2][3]
PhilippinesAyong-kabayo (Tagalog); bolakau (Kuyonon); linga-an (Bagobo) [2][3]
Vietnamd[aa]y n[oo]i, d[aa]y cu[oos]n [2][3]

Geographical Distributions

Cissus adnata have cosmopolitan distribution which covered from India and Sri Lanka to Indo-China, Thailand, throughout Southeast Asia into tropical Australia. [2] C. adnata occurs in semi-deciduous thickets close to beaches, monsoon forest and open forest, usually on well-drained soils. [2]

Botanical Description

C. adnata comes from the family of Vitaceae. It is a deciduous, slender climber that can grow up to measure 5-15 m long. [2]

The bark is often reddish in colour, flaky, pubescent when young, with multicellular hairs, uniseriate and unicellular 2-armed and usually with unbranched tendrils. [2]

The leaves are simple, orbicular to broadly ovate in shape, with a size of measure 8-18 cm x 10-19 cm, cordate to kidney-shaped base in shape, acuminate to cuspidate apex, membranaceous and prominent veins. The secondary veins are terminated in hair-like projections which extend beyond the margin. The hairs on the lower surface are 2-armed and with measure about 3-8 cm long petiole. The hairless stipules are rounded-triangular in shape and measure about 3.5 mm long. [2]

The inflorescence is umbellate, loose, measuring 2.5-7 cm long, with 3-5 primary branches and pubescent. The petal is measure about 1-1.5 mm long, often papillose and pale green to white in colour. [2]

The berry is pyriform, measure about 4.5-7 mm long, dark brown to black in colour and with 1-seeded. [2]

The seed is ovoid in shape, measure 4-6 mm long. The lower end is beaked. The endosperm in transverse section is divided twice by the thin endotesta. Cotyledons are similar. [2]


C. adnata can grow in variable type of soil but usually prefer sandy to sandy loam, sometimes lateritic, sometimes calcareous. [2]

Chemical Constituent

No documentation

Plant Part Used

No documentation

Traditional Use

No documentation

Preclinical Data

No documentation

Clinical Data

No documentation

Poisonous Management

No documentation

Line Drawing

Figure 1: The line drawing of C. adnata Roxb. [2]


  1. The Plant List. Ver1.1. Cissus adnata Roxb.[homepage on the Internet]. c2013 [updated 2012 Apr 18; cited 2015 Apr 28]. Available from:
  2. Aguilar NO. Cissus adnata Roxb. In: Van Valkenburg JLCH, Bunyapraphatsara N, editors. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12(2): Medicinal and poisonous plants 2. Leiden, Netherlands: Backhuys Publisher; 2001. p. 158.
  3. Philippine Medicinal Plants. Ayong-kabayo. Cissus adnata Roxb. [homepage on the internet] c2014. [updated 2013 Oct; cited 2015 Apr 30] Available from

in this scope
Malaysian Herbal Monograph​
Medicinal Herbs & Plants Monographs​
Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs (Professional Data)
Herbal Medicines Compendium (HMC) - U.S​