Jackiopsis ornata L.

Scientific Name

Jackiopsis ornata L. (WFO)


Jackia ornata Wall., Zuccarinia ornata (Wall.) Spreng. [1]

Vernacular Name

MalaysiaMedang gambut [2], pokok segan paya [2][3], selumar [2][4], sentulang [3][4], selumar terong, selumbar, selimbar, medang gembut, mentangur paya [2][3][4], Tongkat Ali merah [5]
IndonesiaSelumar, nyabau, seluma, selumar, ulin air, ulin paya [6]

Geographical Distributions

Jackiopsis ornata can be found in Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo, Sumatra and the Riau Archipelago. It is locally frequent but never abundant in lowland swamp forest and in riverine habitats. In northern Borneo, J. ornata often occurs in peat-swamp forest. [2][4]


Jackiopsis is a monotypic genus. The only species is Jackiopsis ornata (Wallich) Ridsd. J. ornata is a member of the Rubiaceae family. [2]

The tree is large and can grow to over 20-35 m tall. The flowering can begin at about 5-6 m tall. The bole is cylindrical and straight with steep buttresses up to 1 m high. The bark is brown, narrowly fissured to flaky, and the colour of inner bark and sapwood is pale brown. The stipules are connated into a shallow cup 5-15 mm long and are glabrescent to short hairy. The lobes are many, linear, and 5-30 mm long. [7][8]

The leaves lamina are obovate, 9-40 × 5-16 cm, apex short-cuspidate to rounded, base gradually narrowed, subcoriaceous, short-hairy below and sometimes on the midrib above, secondary veins 11-16 pairs, tertiary veins fine, and reticulate. The petioles are 15-30 mm long. [7]

The inflorescences are typically axillary, rarely terminal also, paniculate, 10-50 cm long, and pendulous. The peduncle is 5−20 cm long, main branches 3, and sometimes subtended by reduced leaves. [7]

The flowers are bisexual, fragrant, subsessile, arranged alternately in 2 rows along the upper side of the ultimate branches of the inflorescence, each subtended by a papery, ovate bract 2-3 mm long and 2−3 mm wide. The calyx cup is obconical, 1-2 mm long, short-hairy, calyx lobes 3, ovate, each 3-4 mm long and 1-1.5 mm wide, soft pale hairy and dull pink. The corolla is infundibular, with 8-10 mm long tube, outside is pale and villous hairy, inside is glabrous to scantily and short-hairy, with 5 corolla lobes, valvate, ovate, each is 2-2.5 mm long, and cream-coloured to pink. The anthers are 5, alternate with corolla lobes, c. 2.5 mm long, and the tips are slightly protruding from the corolla tube. The style is hairy and exserted 4-6 mm from the corolla tube. The stigma is club-shaped, bilobed, and c. 0.5 mm long. The ovary is 2-loculate and the ovules are 2−5 in each locule. [7]

The fruits are a dry winged nutlet, obconical, 3-4 mm long, c. 1 mm wide, and pale short-hairy. It has 3 persistent calyx lobes, spreading, elliptic, 10-12 mm long, 2-5 mm wide, and soft pale hairy with pink colour. [7]

The seeds are usually only 1 formed per fruit, ovoid, and measure 2-3 mm long. [7]


J. ornata yields a heavy hardwood with a density of 820-990 kg/m3 at 15% moisture content. The wood is reported as hard and fairly strong and works easily. It is fairly durable when exposed to the weather or in contact with the ground but not resistant to pinhole borer attack. [2] It has been reported that the wood is suitable for house-building, rice-pounders, carriage-poles, or furniture. [3] However, the tree may be more promising as an ornamental than as a timber tree since there is so little information about the silvicultural aspects of J. ornata. [2]

Chemical Constituent

No documentation

Plant Part Used

No documentation

Traditional Use

No documentation

Preclinical Data


Aphrodisiac activity

J. ornata (used as Stema tuberosa in this study) has shown to boost testosterone level in fowls although not as effective as E. longifolia. Fowls were administered orally with capsule containing E. longifolia and S. tuberosa for  30  days  followed  by  evaluating  their  sexual  mating behavior parameters, testosterone blood level and histology of testicular tissue to determine the efficacy. Both J. ornata and  E. longifolia increased the  testosterone  levels (7.7±0.59  nmol/L  and  6.25±0.70 nmol/L) compared to control (4.08±0.85   nmol/L) treated fowls. [5]


No documentation

Clinical Data

No documentation


No documentation

Poisonous Management

No documentation

Line Drawing

No documentation


  1. Jackiopsis ornata (Wall.) Ridsdale. World Flora Online [homepage on the Internet]. [cited 2021 Mar 25]. Available from: http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000219158
  2. Boer E, Lemmens RHMJ. Jackiopsis Ridsd. In Sosef MSM, Hong LT, Prawirohatmodjo S, editor. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 5(3): Timber trees; lesser-known timbers. Leiden, Netherlands: Backhuys Publisher, 1998; p. 307-308. Record from Proseabase [homepage on the Internet]. [cited 2021 Apr 28]. Available from: http://proseanet.org/prosea/e-prosea_detail.php?frt=&id=33
  3. Burkill IH. A dictionary of the economic product of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. II. London: Published on behalf of the Governments of the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States by the Crown Agents for the Colonies, 1935; p.1263
  4. Wong TM. Malayan Forest Records No.30: A dictionary of Malaysian timbers. Kuala Lumpur: Forest Research Institute Malaysia, 2002; p.65.
  5. Vejayan J, Yahya YAC, Chakravarthi S, Bathmanathan R, Ibrahim H, Yun A. Tongkat ali plants of Eurycoma longifolia and Stema tuberosa stimulate sexual arousal in domestic cocks. Malaysian J Sci. 2020;39(1):1-14.
  6. Partomihardjo T, Hermawan E, Pradana EW, Widiastuti Y. Flora Riparian dan Hutan Rawa gambut untuk restorasi area dengan nilai konservasi tinggi (NKT) terdegradasi. Indonesia: Zoological Society of London (ZSL) Indonesia Programme, 2020; p. 210.
  7. Wong KM, Turner IM, Wang RJ, et al. Rubiaceae. Flora of Singapore. 2019;13:1-358.
  8. Razafimandimbison SG, Kainulainen K, Wong KM, Beaver K, Bremer B. Molecular support for a basal grade of morphologically distinct, monotypic genera in the species-rich Vanguerieae alliance (Rubiaceae, Ixoroideae): Its systematic and conservation implications. Taxon. 2011;60(4):941-952.
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