Scientific Name
Planchonella obovata (R.Br.) Pierre
Achras obovata F.Muell. ex Benth., Chrysophyllum acuminatum Bojer [Invalid], Chrysophyllum obovatum Wall. ex A.DC., Hormogyne cochinchinensis Dubard, Planchonella argentea Pierre, Planchonella attenuata (A.DC.) Pierre, Planchonella bancana (Burck) Pierre, Planchonella chrysophylla (de Vriese) Pierre, Planchonella clarkeana R.Kumari & Thothathri, Planchonella cochinchinensis Dubard, Planchonella ferruginea (Hook. & Arn.) Pierre, Planchonella glabra (Ridl.) H.J.Lam, Planchonella indica (Burck) Pierre, Planchonella javensis (Burck) Pierre, Planchonella kingiana R.Kumari & Thothathri, Planchonella kingiana var. andamanica R.Kumari & Thothathri, Planchonella lanceolata (Burck) Pierre, Planchonella merrillii Dubard, Planchonella nodosa (Burck) Pierre, Planchonella philippensis Dubard, Planchonella polymorpha Dubard, Pouteria glabra (Ridl.) I.M.Turner, Pouteria obovata (R.Br.) Baehni, Pouteria obovata var. dubia (Koidz. ex Nakai) H.Hara, Sapota obovata (R.Br.) Radlk. ex Holle, Sersalisia ferruginea (Hook. & Arn.) Nakai, Sersalisia liukiuensis (Nakai) Nakai, Sersalisia obovata R.Br., Sideroxylon ahernianum Merr., Sideroxylon apoense Elmer, Sideroxylon argenteum Spreng. [Illegitimate], Sideroxylon attenuatum A.DC., Sideroxylon bancanum Burck, Sideroxylon brownii F.Muell., Sideroxylon chrysophyllum de Vriese, Sideroxylon coriaceum Merr. [Illegitimate], Sideroxylon dubium Koidz. ex Nakai, Sideroxylon ferrugineum Hook. & Arn., Sideroxylon glabrum Ridl., Sideroxylon glomeratum Volkens, Sideroxylon indicum Burck, Sideroxylon javense Burck, Sideroxylon lanceolatum Burck, Sideroxylon liukiuense Nakai, Sideroxylon merrillii (Dubard) Merr., Sideroxylon nodosum Burck, Sideroxylon novoguineense K.Schum., Sideroxylon obovatum (R.Br.) Sm. [Illegitimate], Sideroxylon obovatum Burck [Illegitimate], Sideroxylon obovatum Griff. [Illegitimate], Sideroxylon obovatum var. ceramense Burck, Sideroxylon philippense (Dubard) Merr., Sideroxylon timorense Blume ex Pierre, Sideroxylon undulatum Burck. [1]
Vernacular Name
Malaysia | Nyatoh laut (General); menasi, misi (Peninsular); umas umas (Sabah) [2], gombirat, nasi, nasi-nasi, pelangas [3] |
English | Black ash, northern yellow boxwood, obovate planchonella, yellow teak [3] |
China | Shan lan [3] |
India | Rok toh [3] |
Indonesia | Nyatu karikit (Sumatra); jengkok (Java); nyatoh gambir (Kalimantan) [2] |
Thailand | Chan thit so (General); phang ka bok (Peninsular); nga sai (Songkhla, Surat Thani) [2] |
Philippines | Mangkas (Sulu); banasi (Tagalog); bungalong (Iloko) [2] |
Cambodia | Rom denh [2] |
Vietnam | M[ooj]c, c[aa]y tr[uws]ng g[af] [2]. |
Geographical Distributions
Pouteria obovata occurs throughout Southern Asia, from India, Pakistan and the Seychelles, through Indochina, Southern China and Malesia to the Solomon Islands and North-Eastern Australia. [2] P. obovata is highly variable and grows on rocky and sandy sea coasts and on the landward side of mangroves, but also on limestone hills and in mixed forests, up to 400 m altitude. The variability is also present in the wood where the recorded density ranges from 560 to 1220 kg/m3 at 15% moisture content. The wood is reported as both durable (the Philippines) and not durable (Indonesia) and it is pale yellow. [2]
Botanical Description
P. obovata is comes from the family Sapotaceae. It is a tree of various dimensions, from small (10 m) to medium-sized (30 m) or sometimes even reaching up to 40 m tall. The bole varies from crooked and gnarled to straight and is branchless for over 10 m (and usually with plank buttresses). [2]
The leaves are evenly distributed, usually obovate but sometimes elliptical-lance-shaped, with distinct reticulate tertiary venation, and usually velvety beneath but often glabrescent. [2]
The flowers are in 1-20-flowered clusters in axils of leaves, borne on pedicels 2-10 mm long and white to greenish. [2]
The fruit is obovoid or nearly spherical, measuring 1-1.5 cm long, smooth, whitish-yellow, red or blue. [2]
No documentation
Chemical Constituent
No documentation
Plant Part Used
No documentation
Traditional Use
No documentation
Preclinical Data
No documentation
Clinical Data
No documentation
Poisonous Management
No documentation
Line Drawing
- The Plant List. Ver 1.1. Planchonella obovata (R.Br.) Pierre. [homepage on the Internet]. c203. [updated on 2012 Mar 26; cited 2015 Jul 28]. Available from:
- Pouteria obovata (R.Br.) Baehniv. In: Soerianegara I, Lemmens RHMJ, editors. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 5(1): Timber trees: Major commercial timbers. Wageningen, Netherlands: Pudoc Scientific Publishers; 1993.
- Quattrocchi U. CRC world dictionary of medicinal and poisonous plant: Common names, scientific names, eponyms, synonyms and etymology. Volume IV M-Q. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press; 2012. Pp.612-613.