Benefit Sharing Arrangements: Jeevani – A Model for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Poverty Alleviation in India


The study concentrated on the role of intellectual property rights in the benefit-sharing arrangements between the Tropical Botanic Garden Research Institute (TBGRI) and Kani tribe in Kerala, India on the ‘Jeevani’ drug. ‘Jeevani’ drug possess anti-stress, anti-fatigue, and immune-enhancing properties. The essential ingredients are the active compounds derived from Arogyapaacha plant. The knowledge about Arogyapaacha was revealed by Kani tribe to the Indian scientists and was further used by TBGRI to develop ‘Jeevani’ drug. The technology to produce the drug was then licensed to Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, Ltd. The benefits that derived from commercialized Jeevani are then shared among these partners through an established trust fund.

The detail about the case study can be obtained from the following link:

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