

The Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association of Burundi (ATRAPRABU) was formed and was accredited by the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security. Other structures were created subsequently, such as the Healers Association of Burundi (AGUEBU), the Association for the Advancement of Traditional Medicine in Burundi (APROMETRABU) and the Association against Diabetes in Burundi. Research on pharmacopoeia in Burundi has been ongoing since the second half of the twentieth century. Since 1980, research on medicinal plants has been coordinated by the Center for University Research on Pharmacopoeia and Traditional Medicine in Burundi (CRUPHAMET). The Burundi Ministry of Health established a national office on TM/CAM in 2002 and is presently in the process of developing regulatory guidelines on the use of botanicals and other supplements.

Burundi Government Offices             
Website: https://www.presidence.gov.bi/

Laws and Regulations

Herbs are considered to be over the counter medications for self-medication use and having no health claims attached to them.  The manufacture of herbal preparations is considered to be under the same regulations as the manufacture of drugs; however, these regulations are not enforced.  There is no registration process in place at this time. However, there are existing traditional medical centres in Burundi.

A post-marketing surveillance program is currently in development.

The Burundi Ministry of Health established a national office on TM/CAM in 2002 and is presently in the process of developing regulatory guidelines on the use of botanicals and other supplements.

Burundi Government Offices
Website: https://www.presidence.gov.bi/

Standards and Guidelines

In Burundi’s Public health Code of 1982, there are some limits imposed for giving out medical licenses to the persons with formal training in tropical medicine. It is stated that practitioners currently treating their patients with traditional medicine may continue to practice but with special conditions and adhere to the regulations posted by the Minister responsible for public health.

The Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association of Burundi (ATRAPRABU) was formed and was accredited by the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security. Other structures were created subsequently, such as the Healers Association of Burundi (AGUEBU), the Association for the Advancement of Traditional Medicine in Burundi (APROMETRABU) and the Association Against Diabetes in Burundi. Research on pharmacopoeia in Burundi has been ongoing since the second half of the twentieth century. Since 1980, research on medicinal plants has been coordinated by the Center for University Research on Pharmacopoeia and Traditional Medicine in Burundi (CRUPHAMET).

The Burundi Ministry of Health established a national office on TM/CAM in 2002 and is presently in the process of developing regulatory guidelines on the use of botanicals and other supplements.

Institut National de Santé Publique (INSP)
Physical Address: Avenue Ruvubu, Bujumbura,
Postal: Bujumbura Avenue Ruvubu,
Telephone: +257 228167
Fax: +257 228249
email: insp@cbinf.com

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