Paroli E
Int J Clin Pharmacol Res
Chondroprotection is a somewhat new field in the therapy of osteoarthritis, which is designed to improve cartilage repair as well as enhance joint remodeling. It clearly results from both laboratory models as well as from studies on human osteoarthritis, that cartilage contains biological resources to meet the repair of degenerative injuries and inflammation. Interestingly, sulfated glycosaminoglycans from matrix inhibit leukocyte protease and complement-mediated immunological reactions. By fractioning cartilage glycosaminoglycans from Selachus (Matrix), evidence has been obtained that a proper chondroitinsulfate sequence, which is able to inhibit elastase, may be released from cartilage proteoglycans by cleavage of the xyl-ser O-glycosidic bond. Since a number of sulfated glycosaminoglycans have a regulatory function in an array of tissues, attention is drawn to possible regulatory properties of selected sequences of matrix chondroitinsulfate, as far as chondroprotection is concerned.