We are looking for participants to take part in our study titled: “Quality Assessment of Global Information Hub on Integrated Medicine (GlobinMed) Website: Web-Based Questionnaire”

Who can join?

  • Adults aged ≥ 18 years
  • Users of GlobinMed website
  • Proficient in English


Malaysians: RM10 DuitNow (only the FIRST 175 Malaysians will be entitled to receive this)

Non-Malaysians: A token of appreciation will be provided

Duration of participation:

15-20 minutes online survey

Participation is voluntary

Your information will remain confidential

Please familiarise yourself with the website (https://globinmed.com/) and explore all sections of the website (home, about us, main page menu, our scope, courses, sitemap, contact us, dashboard) before filling up the questionnaire.


Scan to QR CODE/click link below

or alternatively visit https://redcap.link/bs67njh7 (click refresh if it takes time to load.)

Join our GlobinMed survey & Get rewarded!

Malaysians: RM10 via DuitNow
Non-Malaysians: Special token