Homeopathic Medicine – Professional Bodies / Organizations

European Countries

Councils Associations and Associated Institutions 

European Central Councils of Homeopaths (ECCH)

The European Central Council of Homeopaths was established to facilitate the delivery of a high standard of homeopathic practice to all of Europe’s citizens.  The way this is done is by establishing standards and encouraging these standards to be adopted by each European country’s homeopathic associations. The ECCH also encourages governments to lay down legislation for regulating homeopaths and homeopathic medicinal products which are necessary in order to give Homeopathic treatment. The ECCH attempts to portray homeopathic treatment as an alternative as well as part of the patient care in which it is integrated with conventional care.  The ECCH also has self-regulating mechanisms where it registered suitably qualified Homeopathic practitioners and encouraged patients to make sure that they see a registered Homeopathic practitioner.[1] 

Members of ECCH:

  • Armenia
  • Germany
  • Portugal
  • Belgium
  • Greece
  • Serbia
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Ireland
  • Spain
  • Bulgaria
  • Israel
  • Sweden
  • Croatia
  • Italy
  • Switzerland
  • Czech Republic
  • Netherlands
  • United Kingdom
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Norway
  • Poland

European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH)

The ECH claims to represent all registered medical practitioners who specialise in homeopathy in 40 homeopathic associations across 25 European countries.[2]

Among its aims are as follows 

  1. Developing the scientific basis of homeopathy
  2. Developing standards for homeopathic education and training of medical doctors throughout Europe.
  3. Ensuring that homeopathic care is coupled with a safe medical context
  4. Creating protocols for the integration of homeopathy into the European Healthcare system. 

For the above objectives the ECH formed subcommittees which have as members, delegates from the associations and teaching centres under its banner. Other professionals among which are researchers, documentarist and pharmacists are also recruited to be committee members. There is a council of the ECH and the office bearers are elected every 4 years. Elected council members have to be members of the ECH.

Members of ECH:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Cyprus
  • Estonia
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 

Councils, Associations and Associated Institutions

Below are some of the associations in the UK which act as self-governing bodies. 

British Homeopathic Association (BHA)

This Association has only registered medical doctors and other registered health care professionals as members.  Among the aspirations of the BHA is that Homeopathy is fully integrated into the NHS and should be available to the whole population should they opt for homeopathic treatment.  This association was founded in 1902 as a charity and it has a long established tradition of providing credible information as well as supporting research and training in homeopathy. The BHA works closely with the Faculty of Homeopathy which is the professional body for doctors and other healthcare professionals who have undergone the prescribed training and have passed their membership exam. Members of the Faculty of Homeopathy incorporate it into the everyday medical practice.[3] 

Faculty of Homeopathy

This faculty was incorporated by an act of the British Parliament in 1950.  Through this,the Faculty’s, the Faculty’s role in the regulation of education training as well as the practice of homeopathy by medically registered doctors is recognised.  There have been amendments to Byelaws and Regulations which have extended the role of the Faculty to include other registered Healthcare professionals including dentists, pharmacists and nurses.  The governing body of the Faculty is called the Faculty Council. This council oversees the Faculty’s future plans and policies and sets the annual budget.[4] 

Society of Homeopaths

This is the largest homeopathic association in the UK. It is recognised as a registering body and they have their own exams and training for their members. The association started in 1978, it has the objective of providing quality homeopathic treatment for the general public.[5] 

The objectives of this society are

  • To develop and keep high standards for homeopathic practice
  • To keep a register of homeopaths whom they deem to have practised according to their standards
  • To protect the public’s right to have homeopathic treatment
  • To provide the public with  information about homeopathy  and promote its use in the home
  • To support and at the same time promote the setting up of institutions teaching and training homeopathic therapeutics. 

The Society of Homeopaths has a code of Ethics and Practice and their members are covered with full public liability and indemnity insurance. The code of ethics is available HERE.  (link to code of Ethics on the Soc Hom website).The  Society also has a Professional Conduct Department which gives assistance to members and also acts as a mediator should there  be a problem arising between a  patient and one of its members. 

Member of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (MARH)

This is another association that keep a registry of their members. In order to be a member of MARH, the members have to fulfil the standards set by the association.  Members can use the initials MARH after their names. There is a code of ethics of MARH and the association also provides continuing professional development courses and seminars which members are encouraged to attend.[6] 

MARH – Code of Ethics [7] 

Homeopathy Medical Association (HMA)

This homeopathy association was first established in 1985 and its objective is to promote homeopath and also homeopathic education. It has a commitment to cooperate with what the government of UK sets as standards of practise and ethics for homeopathy as well as the set standards for training and education in homeopathy. Besides this, it seeks to protect the interests of its members. It also supports continuing professional development of its members and also promotes homeopathic practice.  It has a register of its members who have to abide by its regulations and ethics.  This association also says that it supports research in homeopathy and seeks to encourage medical insurance companies to reimburse homeopathic treatment by its members. 

To become a HMA member, the homeopath has to attend an interview by the HMA council memberswhere they will be examined on their clinical knowledge and expertise in homeopathic therapeutics and practice. HMA seeks to make sure that their members have the standards and also behave according to their ethics [8] and in this way protect the public who seek treatment from its members. The homeopaths registered with the HMA may use the initials MHMA. A Fellowship which carries the initials FHMA is given to the members who give worthy service to the association or to the homeopathic community in general.[9] 

United States of America 

Councils Associations and Associated Institutions 

National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine NCCAM

This Centre is the North American government’s agency for all the health practices that are not considered part of conventional medicine. They are one of the many National Institutes of Health (NIH) and are under the US Department of Health and Human Services. NCCAM funds and conducts research using accepted scientific methodology to study the alternative and complementary medicine practices and therapies in order that the proven CAM therapies can be integrated into the health system. 

Self-Governing Bodies


In the US, because of lack of government regulation for standards in Homeopathic practice, there is a National Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC) that acts as a self-governing body to ensure that standards of practice are met for the homeopaths registered under it. Besides this there are other boards and academies that also register members that are certified by them and have met their certification criteria. These include the American Board of Homeopatherapeutics and the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic. 

The following are some of the Homeopathic associations and organizations that have been established in the USA.  There are quite a number of certifying bodies and each has its place in raising the standards of homeopathic practice in the US. Some of the institutions are more than 100 years old and some have been established within the past 20 years. 

American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH)

This is an association of medically trained Homeopaths. The AIH is an old institution that was first formed in the year 1844.  It was born a year after the death of the founder of Homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann and is the oldest professional medical organization in the US. The AIH has gathered in its fold medical and osteopathic physicians, dentists, nurses and physician assistants who practice homeopathic therapeutics.  The AIH is involved in the education of its members and the public on homeopathy and also publishes articles and holds public events on Homeopathy. It is a trade association of medical professionals who practice homeopathy and is not involved in certifying their homeopathic credentials as is stated in the AIH by laws where ordinary active members are registered and licensed medical doctors of either medicine, osteopathy or dentistry who also engage in homeopathic therapeutics. Their qualifications as homeopaths are not stated in the by-laws.[10] 

American Board of Homeotherapeutics (Abht)

This board which was established in 1959 in New York certifies medically trained doctors and osteopathic physicians who meet its standards and successfully pass their board exam which includes oral and written parts.  The post graduate diploma awarded is called the Diploma of Homeopathy with the initials D.Ht.  The ABHt aims to promote homeopathy as a medical specialty.[11] 

North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH)

This society was formed in 1990 and aims to set standards as well as to certify people who have been trained and have studied what NASH terms as classical homeopathy.  In the year 2001 they have begun to work together with CHC and have made a provision that NASH members have to have at least a CHC certification. Since 2002, NASH also accepts licensed health care providers who are deemed to have a commitment to homeopathy.[12] 

Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC)  

First established in 1991, its role is to create a professional standard of competency for homeopaths.  Besides bringing credibility to certified homeopaths the CHC also has objectives such as providing a qualification for homeopaths to apply for membership with the North American Society of Homeopaths and also for the purpose of licensure so that the certified homeopaths can practice in the states that require licensing.[13] The CHC also aims to generate a positive public view of homeopaths because of the presence of a national standard. 

National Centre for Homeopathy – NCH

The NCH has an open membership policy and was set up to promote homeopathy as a method of treatment.  It caters to the general public and educates both the homeopath and the members of the public who want to know more about homeopathy.[14] They disseminate information about the practice of homeopathy via their website as well as by newsletters that are sent either by email or post. For the media, they provide information packages. They also have summer schools that are open to members of the public who want to learn self-help in homeopathic therapeutics. Among the information available online are remedy descriptions as well as directories of homeopathic resources. The NCH also has a library at its National Centre office which is open to its members. 

Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (HANP)

This academy is made of Naturopath’s who practice homeopathy.  They have made it their objective to improve on the Homeopathic curriculum of Naturopathic colleges. Apart from that, they also publish a journal called Simillimum and cost conference besides offering seminars. They also communicate and work with the Homeopathic community on areas of common interest.  This association has a certification for naturopaths who have met their standards in Homeopathic therapeutics.[15] 

Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education of North America (ACHENA)

This Commission was formerly known as the Council on Homeopathic education which was created in 1982.[16] In January of 2000, CHE organized a Summit bringing together representative of the key homeopathic organizations in order to come out with an educational standard for the teaching of Homeopathy in North America.  They then published a document of the standards which is now available on their website at ACHENA. 

The other functions of ACHENA is to accredit homeopathic schools and education programs, certify continuing homeopathic education programs and serve as a resource centre for institutions wanting to develop a homeopathic syllabus. 

The Homeopathic Pharmacopeia Convention of the United Stated (HPCUS) The Homeopathic Pharmacopeia Convention of the United States of America (HPCUS) is a non-government and non-profit organization which has experts in the fields of medicine arts biology botany chemistry and pharmacy. This panel of experts has to have also adequate training and experience in the principles and practice of homeopathy.  HPCUS works hand in hand with the FDA as well as homeopathic organizations including the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists. The organization publishes guidelines for prescriptions and over the counter homeopathic products. The HPCUS sees its primary role as accumulation and publishing as well as selling the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia to those who want to produce homeopathic medicines.  The HPCUS also develops a criterion for a homeopathic drug to be included in its Pharmacopeia. Besides this, it sees a role in promoting the use of Homeopathic therapeutics and ensuring a high standard of homeopathic medicines to professionals and the general public.[17] 


Councils Associations and Associated Institutions

As mentioned, each province has different legislation and different governing bodies. Ontario has the most advanced legislation for homeopathy by having the College of Homeopaths Ontario as mentioned previously. 

Canada and the United States of America share some councils/associations/society for homeopathy due to their location (neighbouring countries). They are the Council on Homeopathic Education (CHE), Council of Homeopathic Certification (CHC) and North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH). However, Canada has two homeopathic councils and a few homeopathic associations. 

Homeopathic Medical Association of Canada (HMAC)

Homeopathic Medical Association of Canada was founded by a group of qualified homeopathic doctors/practitioners in the province of Ontario. It has its own code of ethics which becomes their standard of practice. This association assures that its members are professional, ethical and qualified practitioners.[18] 

HMAC entitled its practitioner as “Homeopathic Doctor” as part of its certification process. Among its contribution to the homeopathic practice in Canada is the formation of Homeopathy Act 2007 in the Ontario Parliament.[19] This will result into separate Homeopathic department in the Natural Health Products Directorate, at the Federal Level (Health Canada).

HMAC – Code of Ethics [20] 

Homeopathic Medical Council of Canada (HMCC)

HMCC is a professional association which represents the interests of homeopathic doctors and promotes homeopathic medicine throughout Canada. Its membership consists of homeopathic doctors, homeopathic medical students and suppliers of homeopathic medicine for professional use. 

The Mission of the HMCC includes [21]:

  • bringing together trained homeopaths throughout Canada
  • initiating efforts to integrate homeopathy into Canada’s healthcare system
  • provide proof and evidence for the efficacy and effectiveness of Homeopathic treatment
  • educate the public, the government and medical professionals about Homeopathy
  • taking steps to generate more research in homeopathy in order to provide evidence and at the same time to improve on the practice of homeopathy. 

National United Professional Association of Trained Homeopaths (NUPATH)

NUPATH is the biggest and one of the first associations for homeopaths in Canada. It is a national level professional association.  It provides a professional association for the homeopaths who are in provinces of Canada where homeopathy is not yet recognised and acts as a regulating body by setting standards that have to be met by their members. The initials “RHom” is given to its practitioner members.[22] 

The Mission of NUPATH includes: 

  • Aiding in the government initiatives on Homeopathy at Federal and provincial levels
  • The establishment of standards in ethics education and training
  • Defending its members’ professional interests
  • Working with other health professionals
  • Networking with other homeopathic organizations
  • Working with insurance companies to get reimbursements for visits to homeopaths registered with NUPATH 

HMCC – Code of Ethics [23] 

Ontario Homeopathic Association (OHA)

Ontario Homeopathic Association (OHA) was founded in 1992. It is a provincial association for the province of Ontario and claims to have the highest standards in terms of care.[24] This is reflected in their code of ethics as in the link below. 

OHA – Code of Ethics [25] 

Canadian Homeopathic Pharmaceutical Association (CHPA)

The CHPA is an association of Homeopathic pharmacists and also importers and distributors of Homeopathic medicines in Canada. Among its mission as states on its website are the following: 

  • To establish a manufacturing standard for homeopathic medicines
  • To work towards recognition and acceptance of homeopathic medicine in Canada, by working with interested members of the scientific community and health professionals, to protect the interests of the homeopathic medicine industry in terms of public policy and regulation at the federal as well as provincial levels of government.[26] 

Canadian Society of Homeopaths (CSH)

CSH is an association for supporters of Homeopath as well as homeopaths and it is not attached to any particular school of Homeopath. It has a registry of the Homeopaths registered with it. It is a unifying association for homeopathy. One of the purposes of this association is to given credibility as well as accountability to the homeopaths registered with it.[27]

CSH – Code of Conduct [28] 


Councils Associations and Associated Institutions 

Australia has only one professional body that registers all its homeopathic members, that is the Australian Homeopathic Association. All professional homeopathic practitioners must be accredited by a professional body which is the Australian Register of Homoeopaths (AROH).[29] 

Australian Register of Homoeopaths (AROH) 

AROH is a registration board for professional homeopaths in Australia, they are the first complementary medicine body to develop government-endorsed National Competency Standards (NCS) for the education of homeopaths in Australia. It was created in 1999, which acts as the registrar of qualified homeopaths for practice in Australia, accredits the Australian homeopathic courses, receives complaints from the public and liaises with the government and health funds.[30] 

Code of Professional Conduct [31] 

Australian Homeopathic Association (AHA) 

AHA was formed in 1995 and 1997 by the merge of the branches of the New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria/Tasmania branches of the Australian Federation of Homoeopaths, the Australian Society of Homoeopaths (Queensland), and the Oceanic Homoeopathic Research Foundation (Western Australia) (1995) and (1997) Australian Federation of Homoeopaths in Queensland and in Western Australia. Thus it is one body that has its branches of a few organizations of homeopathic practitioners.[32] 

There are two types of membership, 1: professional membership, 2: general membership. The body is being run by professional members, which are elected; there are 2 types of posts, the branch committee posts, and the national committee posts. 

Its objectives are: [32] 

  • Advance the study and practice of Homoeopathy.
  • Provide continuing education for Homoeopaths.
  • Protect and promote the interests of Homoeopaths.
  • Raise the public profile of Homoeopathy.
  • Promote unity within the profession.
  • Develop national and international links with other Homoeopaths and homoeopathic organizations. 

Code of Conduct [33] 


  1. European Central Councils of Homeopaths. An Introduction to ECCH’s work. [pamphlet]. ECCH Secretariat UK; 2007.
  2. European Committee for Homeopathy. Welcome to European Committee for Homeopathy. [Online]. Available from: http://www.homeopathyeurope.org. [Accessed 22nd Feb 2012]
  3. British Homeopathic Association. About us. [Online]. Available from:  http://www.britishhomeopathic.org/about_us/  [Accessed 20th January 2010]
  4. Faculty of Homeopathy. How the Faculty Work.[Online]. Available from: http://www.facultyofhomeopathy.org/about_us/how_the_faculty_works.html[Accessed 20th January 2010]
  5. The Society of Homeopaths. About the Society of Homeopaths.[Online]. Available from: http://www.homeopathy-soh.org/about-the-society/default.aspx[Accessed 20 January 2010]
  6. Alliance of Registered Homeopaths. About Us. [Online]. Available from: http://www.a-r-h.org/AboutUs/WhatIsMARH.htm [Accessed 20th January 2010]`
  7. Alliance of Registered Homeopaths. Code of Ethics. [Online]. Available from: http://www.a-r-.org/AboutUs/CodeofEthics.htm   [Accessed 20th January 2010]
  8. The Homeopathic Medical Association. Code of Ethics. [Online]. Available from: http://www.the-hma.org/code-of-ethics.html [Accessed 20th January 2010]
  9. The Homeopathic Medical Association. About the HMA.[Online]. Available from: http://www.the-hma.org/about-us.html [Accessed 20th January 2010]
  10. American Institute of Homeopathy. Our heritage our future. [Online]. Available from: http://homeopathyusa.org/home/about-aih/our-heritage—our-future.html [Accessed 15 Feb 2013]
  11. American Institute of Homeopathy. Our heritage our future. [Online]. Available from:http://homeopathyusa.org/speacialty-board.html [Accessed 20th January 2010]
  12. North American Society of Homeopaths. About. [Online]. Available from: http://www.homeopathy.org/about.html [Accessed 20 Jan 2010]
  13. Council for Homeopathic Certification. Home. [Online]. Available from:  http://www.homeopathicdirectory.com/ [Accessed 12th Sept 2011]
  14. National Center of Homeopathy. About Us. [Online]. Available from: http://nationalcenterforhomeopathy.org/about 
  15. Homeopathic academy of Naturopathic Physicians. General. [Online]. Available from: http://www.hanp.net/ [Accessed 15 Feb 2013].
  16. Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America. Home. [Online]. Available from: http://achena.org/[Accessed 20 January 2010]
  17. Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. What is HPUS? [Online]. Available from: http://www..hpus.com/whatishpus.php. [Accessed 21st Feb 2012]
  18. Homeopathic Medical Association of Canada. About us. [Online]. Available from: http://www.hmac.ca/ [Accessed 20th Jan 2010].
  19. Ontario. Homeopathy act 2007. [Online]. Available from: http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_07h10_e.htm [Accessed 20th Jan 2010]
  20. Homeopathic Medical Association of Canada. Code of Ethics. [Online]. Available from: http://www.hmac.ca/codeofethics.asp [Accessed 9th May 2012].
  21. Homeopathic Medical Council of Canada. Homepage. [Online]. Available from: http://hmcc.ca [Accessed 9 May 2012]
  22. The National United Professional Association of Trained Homeopaths. Home. [Online]. Available from: http://www.nupath.org/  [Accessed 20th Feb 2010]
  23. The National United Professional Association of Trained Homeopaths. Ethics.[Online]. Available from:  http://www.nupath.org/ [Accessed 20th Feb 2010]
  24. Ontario Homeopathic Association. About the OHA. [Online].Available from: http://www.ontariohomeopath.com/[Accessed 20th Feb 2010]
  25. Ontario Homeopathic Association. Code of Ethics. [Online]. Available from: http://www.ontariohomeopath.com/[Accessed 20th Feb 2010]
  26. Canadian Homeopathic Pharmaceutical Association. Mission. [Online]. Available from:http://chpa-aphc.ca/mission.html[Accessed 20th Feb 2010].
  27. Canadian Society of Homeopaths. Home. [Online]. Available from:http://www.csoh.ca/[Accessed 20th Feb 2010]
  28. Canadian Society Sof Homopeaths. Code of Conduct. [Online]. Available from: http://www.csoh.ca/PS_Codes_of_Conduct.htm  [Accessed 20th Feb 2010]
  29. Hpathy. Homeopathy in Australia. [Online].Available from: http://hpathy.com/past-present/homoeopathy-in-australia/   [Accessed 31st March 2012]
  30. The Australian Register of Homeopathy Ltd. What is AROH. [Online].Available from: http://www.aroh.com.au/Default.aspx?pageId=1091559 [Accessed 31st March 2012]
  31. The Australian Register of Homoeopaths Ltd. (AROH). Code of Profesional Conduct. Available from:
  32. Australian Homeopathic Association. Home. [Online].Available from: http://www.homeopathyoz.org/AboutIntroduction.html [Accessed 31st March 2012]
  33. Australian Homoeopathic Association. Code of Professional Conduct. [Online]. Available from: http://www.homeopathyoz.org/downloads/codeofconduct.pdf [Accessed 10th May 2012].



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